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"By the name of StarClan, I hereby banish you, Songbird, from ThunderClan!" Songbird rose her head, Looking around her former clan. The cats met her gaze with hard glares, even her own sister.

"Please escort Songbird to the border of ThunderClan. Beesting, You may organize a patrol for that." The leader spoke to his deputy strongly. Songbird began to walk towards the tunnel until she heard quick paw-steps from behind her.

"Songbird! I can't believe they're banishing you!" The voice of her best friend wailed.

"Sweetwing, It's okay. StarClan doesn't approve me for what I've done. I don't deserve to live clan life anymore." Sweetwing's blue eyes formed tears.

"If you're leaving, I'm going with you!"

"No! ...No. Sweetwing, you can't. I don't want you to give up your clan life. You finally got Smokestep to like you. I'm not having you ruin your life for me; I destroyed my own future..."

What did I do that was so wrong? Allow me to tell you....

There struggled her arch-enemy. Aspenmist. She had tried to cross the river with her newly born kits, but the river was too strong. All of them were drowning. Aspenmist spotted Songbird in the distance.

"Songbird! Songbird, please help me!" Songbird's amber eyes were misted.

"I-I'm sorry for all the wrong things I've done to you! Please, save me!"

"I love you..." The words rang in Songbird's ears, and so did Aspenmist's laugh.

"Two female cats can't love each other! I mean, they can, but come on, Songbird. Were in different clans, and I'm going to be the deputy of mine. I have an image to protect."

"You don't deserve to be saved." Songbird spat.

"W-What about my kits...? PLEASE!" She barely said, choking on the water that was quickly washing her away.

"They're part of you. And you care about them..." Songbird watched as the miserable cat sank away, her kits shortly following her.

"ASPENMIST!" A tom voice said, racing to the river side, he glared over at Songbird.

"Y-You killed her!? YOU DROWNED HER? AND OUR KITS!?" She didn't drown them. She began trembling with fear. Why was she so harsh? Why didn't she at least save the kits? StarClan couldn't, and she knew they wouldn't accept this. She swallowed hard, and began to run off quickly.

"Heh.... I'm a horrible cat, aren't I? I should've respected that she didn't return my feelings. I knew that it felt very wrong, and I didn't want to love her, either. My heart made me believe that."

Songbird watched as tears rolled from Sweetwing's eyes.

"Where are you going to go?" Sweetwing asked desperately.

"I'm not really sure... " Sweetwing looked up at her with questioning eyes.

"No... You may not see me again." Songbird said, as if reading her mind. As Songbird looked at the patrol walking over, she felt her belly weighing like a stone. "Goodbye, Sweetwing."

Songbird's Future:  Founding a FoundationWhere stories live. Discover now