Chapter Eleven

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"We need a lot of herbs, Songbird." Graypool mewed.

"What do we need the most of?" She asked. Graypool gave her a confused look.

"We don't really have much. We could use anything, and everything." Graypool explained. Songbird nodded.

"Do we have any Colts-foot? Or Fever-few?" Graypool blinked in surprise.

"You know your herbs quiet well for a warrior. I know you have Sweetwing in mind." Graypool smiled.

"However, you do realize that Colts-foot only grows in RiverClan and ShadowClan territory?" She asked. Songbird tilted her head.

"I'm just going to have to take that risk." Songbird mewed. Graypool looked at her in surprise.

"You'd make a such good leader, too bad you said you didn't want to be one." Graypool smiled.

"Take this, it's our last Poppy Seed. Also, eat this Burnet." Songbird blinked at her.

"You found Burnet?" She asked. Graypool nodded.

"I know where to find more, so don't fret. Now, go. Don't let Sagestar know your leaving, by the way. You can tell him, but not where your going. If you don't want to lie, say your going to collect herbs. If I were you, I'd slip out while they aren't looking." Songbird smiled.

"Thanks, Graypool. I'll be back in a bit." She quickly ate the poppy seed and burnet, then dipped her head as she left the medicine den.

Songbird looked around. Sweetwing seemed to be resting in the warriors den, while the nursery was being finished. Speaking of the nursery, it seemed Sagestar was working on it. She felt bad for not being able to help, but getting herbs was more important. She slipped out of the clan cat quickly, then quietly walked down the hill.

"I hope they'll be alright while I'm gone." Songbird thought to herself. She met the ThunderClan border and began walking down it. Finally, she met the lake.

"I have to turn right, It'll eventually lead me into ShadowClan, and then to RiverClan. Got it." She began trotting, trying to keep energy in case of emergencies. She then tilted her head.

"Let's see.. I need.. Cat-mint. Yes, Cat-mint. It is Leaf-Fall, and I can't risk losing any of my clan-mates. I know there's some in ThunderClan territory. She reached the border of ThunderClan and ShadowClan. She nodded, and began running in the middle of them. Straight to two-leg nest. She peaked through a hole in the fence. There was a small dog, who was sleeping inside a small version of a two-leg nest.

"Great, just my luck." She mumbled, then jumped up onto the fence. There was a small section bricked off, and Songbird's mouth fell in surprise.

"C-Cat-mint! So much Cat-mint!" She wailed.

"I have to grab as much as I can." She leaped down and looked at the dog, who was still sleeping. She quickly began pulling the precious plant out of the ground, being careful not to tear the roots. Suddenly, the Two-Legs door opened, and a much bigger dog came out. It immediately spotted Songbird and began barking. Songbird's eyes got wide as she leaped up onto the fence. She was having a hard time gripping it the right way, as the Cat-mint leaves blocked her view. She wailed, trying to get up. Suddenly, she felt a searing pain.

"StarClan, help me!" She prayed.

Songbird's Future:  Founding a FoundationWhere stories live. Discover now