Chapter Four

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"Woah!" Sweetwing jumped around the new area with excitement.

"I have too many plans for this place! It's perfect!" She plopped down on the ground, sighing with relief.

"And if we climb this huge tree, We get a perfect view of ThunderClan." Sweetwing purred. "Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea!" Sage looked at Songbird, many questions whirling through his head.

"I know you said five, but this is enough cats, right? How do we 'found' a clan?" Songbird smiled.

"I was afraid you'd never ask! I asked Sweetwing to be apart of us because of two reasons. One, she's my best friend. Two, She has a mate!" Songbird exclaimed.

"So...?" Sage asked.

"So, they'll have kits eventually! The first litter of... We still need a clan name." The cats gathered together.

"How are we going to form a clan? What do we need?" Sweetwing asked.

"We need to make our dens, catch a few pieces of fresh kill, start a pile, and mark our territory.." Songbird paused.

"The hard part is.. Getting a blessing from StarClan." Sage gulped hard. He didn't believe in StarClan, but he had too if he was going to be a part of a clan.

"How do we get their blessing?" Smokestep asked.

"We all need to sleep at the same time. At sun-high when we wake up, we'll tell each other if we had a dream or not, We will do this for as long as it takes. But during sun-high, we work on our other clan activities." Songbird finished.

"Great! It's not late yet, so I'll go hunting." Sweetwing offered.

"Sure, I will too." Songbird said, then directed her attention to the toms.

"You two should start working on the dens, We need a place to sleep." They nodded.

"I may not be able to do this. He already doesn't like me OR Songbird.. I just have to be prepared. Don't let my guard down." Sage thought to himself. Smokestep looked at Sage.

"What's the plan?" He asked.

"The big tree in the middle.. I think we should shape the roots into a den, for the leader." Sage said.

"I have an idea, too." Smokestep said. Sage nodded, ears perked.

"For the medicine den, we should dig under the tree, and dig around the main stump, The medicine den should be underground." Smokestep said, offering his idea.

"I agree, that would be a cool thing to do. Let's get started, shall we?" The toms started on shaping the roots. The medicine den was a good idea, but they needed a look on outside for now. Sage worked hard, pushing his muscles as far as he could. Smokestep was doing the same.

Soon, they had a make-shift den that was big enough for four cats.

As the she-cats got back, Sage eyed them. Sweetwing had caught a light brown rabbit. Songbird had caught two gray furred squirrels, and was dangling them by their tails. The she-cats walked so close. Sage felt a sudden pang of jealously, but pushed it away.

"Nice catch." Smokestep's voice brought him back to reality.

"Thanks." They both said, dropping their prey somewhere. A small pile. "The rabbit is what you two deserve to eat." Songbird said, "Me and Sage will eat the squirrels. All of us will go hunting, tomorrow we will all go hunting." Sage was mostly quiet. He wasn't as friendly as these cats, and honestly, he only trusted Songbird. He watched as she brought the squirrels over.

"You need to be more open." Songbird said, Her eyes meeting Sage's. His brown and white fur bristled.

"I can't be a perfect clan cat.." He muttered.

"You can try." Songbird added, sort of snappy. He fell silent and began to eat the squirrel that was presented to him.

"Tonight," Songbird started once she finished her prey.

"Tonight, we will dream of StarClan. And they will give us their blessing."

Songbird's Future:  Founding a FoundationWhere stories live. Discover now