Chapter One

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Songbird found herself speeding off the border of ThunderClan as her former clan-mates chased her off. She stopped beside a thunder-path as monsters roared by. Her belly churned with fear with the thought of a monster biting, or even eating her. Her eyes wandered the forest territory, meeting every tree. The territory was bigger than she thought it was. She swallowed. She could go back, and live in the unknown forest. She would form her own clan, Called FireClan, the only element that the clans didn't have. Her clan would fit in perfectly, but to form one from scratch? That'd be challenging. She decided that she would go and build her own clan. She knew that StarClan wouldn't accept her as a leader of her own clan. She growled quietly.

"If only Aspenmist returned my feelings.. This wouldn't be happening..." Then, she shook her head.

"That's selfish of me. I know that it's my fault I got exiled. I'm still guilty about letting her, and her kits die..."

Songbird turned away from the Thunder Path, and began walking towards the forest. She scented the ThunderClan border markers, and traveled along them until she hit the river. WindClan and ThunderClan scents were mingled together, and from there, Songbird turned around, walking towards to the unknown forest. Here, Fox scent was strong. It was a horrible stench, and their droppings were everywhere too. Songbird continued walking regardless. The sound of water rushed in her ears, and she looked into the sky, staring at the clouds.

"I know you may not hear me yet," Songbird started.

"But please, send me a sign if you wish to give me just one more chance... I can lead my own clan... Please." She begged the sky, but she knew many ears were listening. Shaking her head, she continued on. Then, She heard a growl. The scent was so strong in the air, she swore to herself that it was a fox. The figure leaped onto her, and she struggled to remain calm. It suddenly seemed like she had forgotten all of her warrior training.

"Who are you?" The voice boomed. She looked up to see a dark brown cat, he was covered in white tabby stripes, and he looked down at her with blazing green eyes. Relieved it wasn't a fox, Songbird spoke.

"My name is Songbird. Former ThunderClan cat." She said.

"Ha! I knew it, I smelt that clan stench on you- Wait, former?" He asked. "They... They banished me." She said, Feeling his claws slowly release from her pelt.

"My apologizes. It's just, you smell.." Songbird nodded.

"I was just banished from ThunderClan today." The mystery cats eyes widened, and he got off.

"Sorry about that." He mumbled.

"What'd you get banished for?" He asked, An apologetic tone still in his voice.

"I got banished for practically drowning a cat.." She said.

"I didn't really drown her, but I don't need your pity." She continued.

"Well, how did you 'practically' drown her?" He asked.

"I... She had just had kits." Songbird started.

"But when we were early warriors, or late apprentices, I had confessed feelings for her.. She didn't return them." His eyes widened at the fact that she liked her.

"I was so mad, She laughed at me, and told me that females couldn't love each other. So when I found her, She tried to bring her kits across the river. It was too strong, and I watched her drown..." She finished. He was silent for a moment.

"Why'd you tell me all this?" He finally asked.

"I want to start my own clan." She said, Her amber eyes glowing. Wind blew through her white pelt. He stared at her.

"Haha! Your own clan? How funny! It'd be called SongClan!" He paused.

"That's kind of pretty actually.." He meowed.

"I was thinking FireClan. But the founders of the clan will decide." She meowed.

"Now excuse me, I need to go find others for my clan." She said, Walking past him.

"Wait!" He called. She turned.

"My name is Sage." He started. He searched Songbird's eyes for a moment, then looked down.

"I'd like to be a founder of this clan." Her eyes slightly widened at this, and she nodded, A smile with teeth as bright as snow.

"We have a lot to discuss then."

Songbird's Future:  Founding a FoundationWhere stories live. Discover now