Chapter Nine

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Night had finally come. Sagefoot was anxious, and nervous all at once. He had not known what Songbird had planned, but they were determined to make him believe in StarClan. He breathed in and finally Graypool's head popped out of the medicine cat den.

"Hello, Sagefoot." She said with a smile.

"Hey." Sagefoot said.

"Where's Songbird?" He asked.

"She was going to come, but fell asleep." Graypool said, meeting his eyes.

"You have your eyes set on a good cat. She explained her past to me tonight. It probably made her emotional and tired. My apologies." Sagefoot nodded.

"It's okay. She's asleep in your den?" Graypool nodded. Suddenly another voice spoke.

"Can I come?" Sagefoot looked over.

"Smokestep?" Graypool asked. Smokestep nodded with a sigh.

"Sagefoot, I'd like to witness your leader ceramony. I know I haven't been the best clan-mate to you, and I regret what I've done. I know that Graypool would've chose me- but I'm selfish. Not even Sweetwing will have me..." He said. Sagefoot could tell his emotions were all over the place. Sagefoot rested his tail on his shoulder.

"Yes. You may come. I understand how you feel about Sweetwing- Songbird won't have me either." Graypool opened her jaws, but decided not to speak. Sagefoot felt hope spark inside him, guessing what she was going to say.
"Well, let's go then." Graypool nodded, leading the way towards Mother Mouth. Smokestep was awfully quiet; everyone was. It felt eerie. Sagefoot suppressed a sigh. Graypool walked close to him- but not too close. Smokestep followed behind.

"My paws are getting tired." Graypool complained, lifting the silence.

"It's just a little farther." Smokestep said, as if he knew the way too. Sagefoot remained quiet. He had a bad feeling about all this.

"Here we are!" Graypool said. Sagefoot stared in awe at the huge cave entrance.

"A-Are you sure this is safe?" Sagefoot said, fear pricking his fur.

"Come on, scaredy cat." Graypool purred. The cats walked into the cave, and they were immediately surrounded by complete darkness. Then, a bright light flashed out of no where. It nearly blinded the cats, and Sagefoot woke up in a place full of stars. Sagefoot drew a breath as he looked around. Starry pelts were aligned in front of him, and around him there were more, but they were not paying attention to him.

"Welcome to StarClan." Graypool smiled, seeing the tom's amazement.

"Yes, welcome. My name is Aspenmist." Sagefoot looked at Aspenmist.

"Aspenmist? Didn't Songbird say.." His thoughts were interrupted by the she-cat.

"I'll give you your first life." She said with a beautiful smile.

"This life is for love; may your heart lead you in the right-" A sudden hiss alarmed all the cats. Sagefoot was surprised when it came from Smokestep.

"NO!" The tom yowled viciously.

"HE HAS DONE NOTHING TO DESERVE THIS HONOR!!!" Smokestep hissed, back arched.

"IF THIS IS 'STAR CLAN' THEN WHY DON'T THEY MAKE THE RIGHT DECISIONS?" Then, before any cat could respond Smokestep leaped onto one of StarClan cats; his claws raking their fur. Aspenmist grabbed the enraged cat by the scruff.

"Kill him now." She demanded a tom, who walked up and stabbed his claws into his neck. He was bleeding out, and Sagefoot could feel fear pulsing off of Graypool.

"A cat like you does not deserve life." Aspenmist said, a deep growl in her throat.

"So you shall rot in the Dark Forest. StarClan does not like to get their paws dirty, but if you insist." Aspenmist said. Sagefoot saw one final glare from Smokestep as his body vanished.

"I am so sorry to ruin your leader ceremony. Disturbing you while you were getting a life could be dangerous- for you are most exposed. I apologize for killing your clan-mate; but he was clearly evil." Sagefoot nodded, at a loss for words.

"Shall we continue?" Aspenmist asked.

"Yes." Sagefoot said.

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