Chapter Fourteen

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Songbird sighed in relief as she laid flat on the ground. Her tail hurt for sure, but she simply shrugged it off.

"Thank you for saving me.." She mumbled to the toms at her side. One was dark brown with faded black from his muzzle to his stomach.

"Hey, no problem. You clearly seem new around here." The other meowed. He was a golden yellow with dark brown tabby stripes, and a brown muzzle. Songbird looked up to meet his green gaze.

"Yeah, anything for a beautiful she-cat like you." The brown and black one purred. The other rolled his eyes.

"Here are your plants, by the way. We weren't able to get them all, but we got most of them." He said, putting them down next to her.

"Wow, thanks.. I'm Songbird, by the way." The golden tom looked at her.

"Songbird? Are you a clan cat?" She nodded.

"Interesting. I'm Blazeclaw, and this is Spiderfang. He's my brother." Songbird looked at the two, her heart filling with panic for a moment.

"We're former clan cats." He explained.

"Oh, of what clan?" Blazeclaw looked at her.

"ThunderClan for me, ShadowClan for him. Were not really brothers, were just really close."

"ThunderClan? Did you know me?" She asked.

"I was an apprentice when you were a kit. So I never really met you."

"But we should've met if you stayed until-"

"We gave ourselves warrior names." Blazeclaw interrupted. Songbird nodded in understandment.

"So, your ThunderClan, then? Don't tell them that we still live around here, please." Blazeclaw meowed.

"Yeah, we don't want any trouble." Spiderfang added.

"Oh? I'm not apart of ThunderClan." Blazeclaw tilted his head.

"I was banished. I'm in a clan called FireClan." Both the toms were silent, gazing at each other.

"FireClan? What's that?"

"Were a hidden clan. I'm the founder." Songbird explained as she stood up.

"Were lead by a tom cat named Sagestar. I'm currently training to be a medicine cat; and my friend is about to give birth. So I really needed to collect some herbs.."

"Ah.. Then you must be going to ShadowClan and RiverClan territory?" Songbird simply nodded.

"No need. We have plenty of herbs back at our home. Mostly all of the herbs; except for the some that you just collected." Blazeclaw explained. Songbird suddenly had an idea.

"Hey, Spiderfang, Blazeclaw." She started.

"Yeah?" They asked.

"You should join my clan. Were in desprate need of herbs, and if it's too much too carry, we can go back to my clan and get the others to help us carry the rest of your herbs." Blazeclaw looked at Spiderfang.

"Would you give us a moment?" He asked. Songbird nodded, and walked off a little further away.

"What a lucky break. We could get some more clan-mates, and a lot of herbs too. Thank you StarClan, now let's just hope they accept my offer."

A few moments later, Blazeclaw rested his tail tip on Songbird's shoulder. She turned around, looking at him.

"Yes?" She asked.

"We've decided we'll come, on one condition." Songbird's hope sparked up inside her.

"What's the condition?" She asked.

"You have to let us treat your tail before we go." Blazeclaw said, nodding over at Spiderfang.

"That's it? Really? Of course!" She wailed, realizing her best friend most likely rubbed off on her.

Songbird's Future:  Founding a FoundationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora