Chapter 1:

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Niall was writing his second entry in his journal. Actually scratch that he was trying to, but Aubree interrupted him.

"Nially Wiley!" She sang as she came into his room. "Why aren't you eating?"

"I'm not hungry Bree."

"But Niall, you have to eat." She whined.

"Seriously Aubree, I'm gonna go to school, bye." Niall put his journal into his bag and walk out of the orphanage.

He was wearing jeans, a random shirt and a hoodie, with knock off high tops that are like Nikes. He got into the school and went to his locker. He put his journal in his locker, hoping Sam and Jake don't come near. He got his math book and his stuff for first period.

He went to Math. He walks into class hopeful that the teacher is there but sadly, he's not. Sam spotted him first. His face lit up.

"Ey, here comes fagboy." Niall walked by, trying to ignore him but, Sam tripped him and fell into Jake making it look like he was about to kiss him. "Woah Horan! No need to kiss Jake again. We already went down that road once, get it through your head. He doesn't like you!"

He got off of Jake, looking at him with a frown and then hurried off the back corner of the classroom. He put his hands to his face, holding in the tears. Niall heard someone approach him but didn't look up. He figured it was probably Jake. "Excuse me?" A boy spoke.

Niall looked up to see a boy with caramel brown hair with bright blue hair looking at him. His hair was decently long but the front of it was pushed up slightly. His skin tone was a really nice tan color. He had a blue button down shirt that wasn't buttoned with a band shirt underneath and the sleeves were rolled up. He had black capri's on and blue vans for shoes. He truly was beautiful and caught Niall's eye.

"Are you ok?" The boy asked. Niall shook his head, looking down."Why are they so mean to you?" He sat next to Niall.

"Hey new kid." Sam shouted to the boy. "I wouldn't talk to him, he might go after you next."

"What does he mean you might go after me next?" The boy asked turning to Niall. He just shook his head, not able to say anything.

The teacher walked in and started to teach. Niall was the only one answering questions so he received comments like "teachers pet" but he tries his best to ignore them. When the class ended, Jake stopped Niall before he left and whispered in his ear, "Your new boy toy is mine." Then walked out of the room.

Niall put his head down and headed toward his locker.

He grabbed his guitar and went to the roof top. He sat on a bench near the green house. Niall began to play a song.

"Settle down with me, cover me up, cuddle me in. Lie down with me and hold me in your arms and your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck. I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet and with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now." The chorus picked up.

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved. You wanna be loved, you wanna be loved. This feels like falling in love, falling in love. We're falling in love. Settle down with me, and I'll be your safety. You'll be my man. I was made to keep your body warm. But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms. Oh no, my heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck. I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet and with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now. Kiss me like you wanna be loved. You wanna be loved, you wanna be loved. This feels like falling in love, falling in love. We're falling in love. Yeah I've been feeling everything from hate to love, from love to lust, from lust to truth. I guess that's how I know you."

Niall stopped singing because he heard a noise behind the green house. He put down the guitar and walked towards the noise. He turned the corner and spotted the boy.

The boy with the beautiful looks and nice personality.

The boy he could never have.


I haven't updated this story in a while and I'll will be updating more soon because I have up to chapter 3 written down right now. My friend Sarah has helped me with a lot of this story and I'm thankful for that because I was a wall and I didn't know what to do but now I do so I'm good. Thanks Sarah! <33 I'll try to update chapter 2 and one letter before the end of the week. Hope you like it!

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