Chapter 3:

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Niall walked down the hall to his locker to get his stuff and went to his math class. The last time he had this class, Louis sat next with Jake. Louis walked in alone, happy as always. He smiled at Niall and waved but, kept walking to sit near the middle of the room.

A few minutes later, Sam and Jake came in with their group, and sat with Louis. Louis hugged them.

Niall wanted to cry because Jake yet again, ruined any hope Niall could have for love. Niall held it back for as long as he could. The class begun, and Niall was trying to pay attention but, he couldn't seem to get his eyes off of Louis and Jake.

The teacher gave us work to do as he went on his iPad to plan the rest of his day. Niall started the work, but heard Louis laugh, and looked up at them again. Jake's eye caught Niall's and he smirked. Jake started playing with Louis' hair. Louis looked up at him with a confused look.

"You're hair is really nice." Jake said.

Niall looked at Sam and his friends, and they were doing the work and not paying mind to Louis and Jake. He looked back at Louis, and he was smiling at Jake.

Jake tells Louis, "You're eyes are really pretty blue Lou. I love a man with deep blue eyes, like yours" he said, loud enough for Niall to hear him but, only Niall. Niall's mind was spinning.

"I didn't know you were gay." Louis stated.

"Shh. You're the only one that knows. I trust you Lou. You're that special to me." Jake said but, whispered the last part. Louis smiled wide, and started the work. Niall caught eye contact with Jake. Niall had tears in his eyes, which made worry rush over Jake's face. Niall looked away and got up.

He went to the teachers desk. "Niall, are you ok?" The teacher asked.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" Niall asked, avoiding his question.

"Yeah, sure." He said, writing a pass. "If you ever need to talk Niall, come to me."

Niall nodded taking the pass, starting to head out of the classroom but, Jake called his name. He stopped and turned back, to look at Jake. By the time Niall was turned around, everyone was looking at him. Now, the tears were streaming down his face and he was embarrassed.

He ran into the bathroom and sat in the corner of the room. He was not only embarrassed but, broken. He wishes he could change everything. He wished his dad never left his mom, never got moved to the orphanage in England, never choose to go to this school, never met Louis or Jake. He wished he was never alive. Niall curled up in a ball in the corner, crying into his knees. Flashbacks played in his mind.

*flashback*(Niall's POV)

I was in the green house on the roof watering flowers. I then brought the flowers and the watering can to Mrs. Short. She controls the green house. When I walked down the hall, I got pulled into a room. The person turned me around, and it was Jake. "Hi Ni." He said with a smile.

"Hi Jake." I said shyly, feeling my cheeks heat up. I love it when he uses my nickname.

"I love when you blush. It's adorable." He said, looking deep into my eyes.

"Does anyone else know about you being gay, besides me?" I asked, kind of regretting it after I said it. Of course he told more people.

"No, you're the only one that knows. I trust you Ni. You're that special to me."

*end flashback* (end POV)

Niall cried into his hands as more flashbacks played through his mind.

You and I (Nouis Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora