Chapter 10(Liam)

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  • Dedicated to Liam Payne

"Liam! You can't be like that with him!" Ariel shouted at Liam.

"He was being stubborn and broke my promise. What the hell do you want me to do?" Liam threw his hands in the air, getting frustrated.

"Liam you have to be there for him, did you even ask him why he did it?" Ariel asked calmly.

"He just said he deserved it and I got pissed and flipped out."

"Exactly you flipped out. You didn't make it easier for him. When you regain yourself go up there and talk to him. He needs you, not me. I am going to check on him and then am going to make you boys some food." Liam rolled his eyes and he crossed his arms.

Ariel walked upstairs and slowly and quietly opened Niall's door. He was staring at a blank notebook crying. She shut the door and walked away.


Minutes went by and Liam calmed down. He went upstairs and a knocked on Niall's door. No response. Liam tried opening the door but it was locked.

"Niall?" No one answered. "Niall, open up this isn't funny." Liam said with a little panic in his voice. Still no answer.

"Niall open this door!" Liam yelled, banging on the door but, still no answer. Liam started to slam his body against the door. He continued to do so until the door busted open. When the door flies open, Liam rushes straight to the bathroom. He saw Niall, bloody and unconscious on the floor. Liam grabbed two towels and wrapped them around Niall's arms, thats were rapidly bleeding. They were careless slashes deep into Niall's arms. Liam was frantic, he yelled for Ariel. Ariel ran into the bathroom to see a crying Liam trying to carry Niall. Ariel called 911 and the ambulance came right away. Liam goes in the ambulance with Niall.

They rush Niall into a room when they got to the hospital. Liam is left in the waiting room, Ariel comes rushing in to comfort Liam. Liam is shaking and hysterically crying.

"This is all my fault." Liam mumbles to himself but Ariel heard him.

"No Liam, It's not you fau-" Liam interrupted Ariel by yelling.

"No it is! If I was there for him, we wouldn't be here right now!"

"Liam, he's going to be okay." Ariel hugged Liam tighter.

Liam looked Ariel in the eyes and whispered, "What if he dies?"

These words brought tears to Ariel's eyes. "Don't say that, Niall is strong. He will get through this." Liam put his head down


A few hours later, Mr and Mrs White, Haylee and Andrew came in and asked what happened. They were 4 hours away and rushed home as soon as they got the call.

"People were call him a - not nice name. Today he found out the reason why they call him such a horrific name and he didn't take it well. When he left with Ariel, I flipped out on my friends for calling him that. When I got home, I caught him cutting himself and I sort of flipped out. We got into a huge fight, and I was to mad to care about his feelings. I left him alone for a good 15 minute and I-" Liam started to cry harder then before. They could figure the rest from there.

"Liam, go home and rest. You can't be here right now." Mrs White said, handing him the keys.

"No I can't, I have to be here for Niall." Liam shook his his head.

"Please Liam, I'll go with you." Ariel offered.


"Please." Liam finally gave in. Ariel grabbed Liam's hand and they went back to the house.

"I'm going to be in Niall's room." Ariel stopped Liam before he went upstairs.

"Is Niall's bathroom shared?"

Liam nodded, "With my room."

Ariel ran upstairs, closing the bathroom door near Niall's room and locked it. Liam went into Niall's room, looking at Niall's things as Ariel cleaned the bathroom. Liam grabbed Niall's guitar and lightly strummed it. Liam cried lightly putting the guitar down. Liam noticed two notebooks beside each other on Niall's desk and one was already open to a page. It was his suicide note. Liam read it quite a few times to himself; that didn't help his mood at all. He picked up the second notebook, laid on Niall bed and read what was inside. He soon realized it was a song book.

Songs of many things; relationships, life, heartbreak and he also wrote a song Liam. Liam finally came across the unfinished song. 'You and I'

Liam placed down the songbook and laid down on the side Niall sleeps on. Liam hugged his pillow, letting the smell of his best friend fill his nostrils. He slowly drifted to sleep crying into the pillow. Ariel finished up cleaning the bathroom and went to check on Liam. She found Liam sleeping in Niall's bed and smiled. She kissed Liam on the forehead and went downstairs to watch tv.

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