Chapter 8:

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Liam and Niall walked into school and everyone was staring at them.

"Why are they staring at us?" Liam asked Niall as they went to the main office. Niall shrugged his shoulders and Liam pushed it aside. The secretary gave Liam his schedule and they walked to first period. Liam and Niall have all of the same classes.

Niall walked into the math room and sat in his usual spot. Liam followed, siting next to him. Louis, Sam and Jake were already in their seats. Louis caught sight of Niall with Liam and his smile faded.

"Why is this guy staring at you with a dirty look?" Liam whispered to Niall, making Niall look up and catch eye contact with him.

Louis gave Niall a sour look at him and Niall looked back down. Louis started to write something on a piece of paper. Then he crumbled the paper and threw it at Niall's head. Niall picked it up and there was one word on it. Pedophile. Niall dropped the paper on his desk.

"Ni, what's wrong?" Liam asked, snatching the paper away from Niall. Liam read the word and anger grew on his face. "Why did they write this?" Liam said in a hushed, but angered tone.

Louis called to Niall, "Niall! Next time instead of cutting, why don't you kill yourself?"

Niall was so caught off guard by that comment, that he didn't realize people were staring. Tears were streaming down his face as he grabbed his own wrist and ran out.

He ran into the bathroom and looked at himself, crying harder. He exposed the encarving on his arms, struggling to maintain himself,but he did his best for Liam's sake. People were staring at Niall in the bathroom, making him leave the bathroom in a rush, covering his arms.

Meanwhile, Liam got up and shouted at Louis, "What did he ever do to you? And who are you to say he's cutting again? You should know he's been clean for 2 years. You're hurting an innocent person whose already broken! What's wrong with you?"

"I don't get why you're defending a pedophile," Louis paused and Liam was about to speak again but, Louis silenced him by continuing. "He raped an innocent little girl. To be even more specific a little girl he 'claims' to care about and love so much." Louis said in disgust.

"You're sick! He would never do that to Haylee. Whoever told you this is officially dead to me. I lost all respect because that never happened and that's his little cousin, that he took care of as a child being responsible." Liam yelled and ran after Niall, or to try and find him at least.

Liam checked the closest bathroom, no there. The first bell rang indicating that first period started. Liam checked everywhere and Niall was no where to be found. Liam began to panic. The worst thoughts possible came into Liam's mind, making his mouth go dry. Liam started to hyperventilate and freaked out when he felt a tap on his shoulder but, calmed down knowing it was only Jake.

" I know where Niall most likely will be." Jake grabbed Liam's wrist and brought him to the roof, near the green house. Liam looked around frantically and Jake nodded his head towards a bench with a guitar leaning against it.

"That's a guitar, not Niall." Liam told Jake, getting frustrated. Jake calmly pointed towards the green house where Niall walked out with a watering pot and placed it next to the bench. " How did you kn-"

Jake interrupted Liam, "He always comes here to cry. This is where I met him." Jake explained.

"Well, thank you for helping me find him." Liam smiled and Jake nodded.

"It's the least I can do for Niall." Jake said, walking away.

Liam walked over to the sad, sobbing Niall, moving the guitar out of the way so he could sit.

"How did you find me?" Niall asked, looking down while silently sniffling.

"Jake. He's so caring. You met him here?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, I was in the gardeners club, my music teacher recommended it. I was in the green house by myself watering flowers because everyone else had classes and this was my free period. Jake came around the corner and sat down with his head in his hands. I walked over to him and asked if he was ok. He shook his head and cried more. I sat down next to him. I told him that even though he didn't know me, he could still tell me and that's exactly what he did.That day Jake let out all of his feelings, something that was something he's never done with anyone. He told me stuff that Sam still doesn't even know. From that day on, Jake and I were inseparable. I eventually told him everything. To the point where only you and him know everything about me. If i was never in this green house that day, I think my life would have never turned for the worst." Niall looked down.

"Turned for the worse? How?" Liam questioned but, Niall pushed it aside and ignored it.

Liam pushed it to the back of his thoughts right now, he didn't want to rush Niall into telling him right now.

Niall sat there, wondering what was Louis was talking about when he called Niall that.

He didn't do anything to earn that dreadful name. Well, at least that's what he thought.

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