Chapter 11(Jake)

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Jake sat at his locker, looking into it. He was just staring at the locker.

Louis came behind him, covering his eyes and whispered into his ear, "Hello babe." Jake grabbed his hands and turned around to face Louis. Louis smile disappeared as soon he saw Jake's face. "What's wrong, Jake?"

Jake's attention drifted away from Louis' bright blue eyes to look at Liam and Ariel enter holding hands. Depression was clear in his eyes. Liam noticed everyone staring at them and he got angry. "What do you want?" Liam shouted, making everyone turn away including Jake.

"Jake, what is wrong? You're not even looking at me." Louis asked, being the concerned boyfriend he is. Jake looked at Louis.

"It's nothing love. I was just thinking." Jake kissed Louis' cheek and walked away. It kills him to live in a lie, but he brought himself into it so he has to get himself out of it.


The day passed by, Jake passed Liam called him over. "Jake!"

Jake turned back and went to go see Liam. "Hey Liam, I heard about Niall. I hope he's ok." Jake said as Louis walked over to Jake.

"Bullshit. Louis, can you give us a minute." Louis nodded and went to say hi to hi other friend.

"What's your problem? I thought you liked me?"

"Well obviously you thought wrong. You're part of the reason why Niall tried to killed himself." Jake's mouth fell open at Liam's words. Liam pulled out the notebook, opening it to the last page. Jake read it and had tears in his eyes.

"I didn't know this would happen Liam I swear." Jake said with his hands up in defeat

"Then why did you do it? Why did you drive my little brother to do this?" Liam shouted with tears in his eyes.

"I didn't mean to. I love Niall more than anyone in the world. More than Louis, I would never wish death on him. I only did this because I saw how much he loved Louis and I got crazy jealous. I only dated Louis to make Niall jealous and have him come running back to me. I never loved Louis at all to be completely honest but now I can see Niall still loves Louis even after everything he has said and done to him."

Louis stared at Liam and Jake with his mouth wide open. Liam snatched the notebook from Jake and flipped to November 6, showing it to Jake. After Jake read that, Liam showed him November 8, 2 days later.

"Explain what happened here. Why did Niall slip up and carve torn into his arms?" Jake looked down at his feet.

"Well we were in math class, and Niall was in his corner as usual but since Louis was hanging out with us, he didn't sit with him. My friends weren't paying attention so I took the time to start making Niall jealous. So I flirted with Louis telling him all stuff that I recently told Niall when we dated. He got hurt by it, leaving the room and Louis followed him being a nice person. After that class I never saw the two of them until the party that night. Then I thought about making another move, to make Niall wish that was him with me, and not Louis but obviously I was wrong. All he was honestly hurt about was the complete opposite. When I kissed Louis, Niall ran off and yes I felt bad about it at the moment but I never thought it through."Jake finished explaining and Liam smiled because he notices a hurt Louis, he knew Jake was going to get in serious trouble. Liam pointed behind Jake and walked away. Jake turned around to see Louis.

"So you never loved me." Louis asked in disgust.

"No Louis, I did-"

"Bullshit! You just told Liam you only dated me to get Niall. I've never felt so used in my life. You know what Jake screw you!" Louis yelled in Jake's face and then walked away.

Jake looked down and walked to his car. Once he got in the car, he started to crying. Sam knocked on the window, making him look up. He unlocked the door and Sam sat in the passenger seat.

"Jake, what's wrong?" Sam asked, worried for his friend.

"Louis broke up with me."Jake said while staying focused on the wheel.


"Because I screwed up."

"How did you screw up? You two were perfectly fine yesterday." Sam questioned

"I never loved him Sam! I only dated him to make someone jealous." Jake explained

"Who did you want to make jealous?" Sam asked.



Jake walked into the room with Sam quietly. Luckily, no one was in there. Jake placed a blue stuffed giraffe next to Niall's bed. Niall told Jake his favorite animal was a giraffe and Jake knew his favorite color because he's always wearing blue so he got him a blue giraffe.

Jake observed Niall in his dormant stage.He had a wire hooked on him and his eyes were shut. Jake noticed that Niall was more pale then usual. He grabbed Niall's ice cold hand and notice the cuts. At that sight, Jake lost his breath for a few moments but, when he regained his breath he broke down, still clutching Niall's hand tightly.

"I am so sorry Niall. I never meant to intentionally hurt you, it just happened. I wish I can take back everything; when you kissed me in front of everyone and I pushed you away, when I flirted and kissed Louis, and finally most of all for spreading fake shit about you. I was selfish and to be fully honest I never stopped loving, Niall James Horan." Jake said and gave Niall a kiss on the cheek.


Two more chapters left!!!!!! Whose excited? hahah The next chapter will be up tonight and the other one will be some time tomorrow because I have a lot more detail to add!! : ]


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