Chapter 12(Louis)

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After Louis found out about Jake using him it's been rough. He hasn't left his room in a day. Today is Christmas Eve, and today he finally chooses to leave his room. He went over Liam's house and knocked on the door. David answered the door.

"Hi." David greeted Louis.

"Uh, hi. Is Liam here?" Louis asked and David shook his head. "He's at the hospital with his parents and Niall. What's your name? I can tell him you stopped by." Haylee comes running to the door and hugged Louis.

"Louis!" Louis smiled. "Follow me." Haylee grabbed his hand and pulled him into the house.

"Haylee he's probably busy and can't play with you." David implied.

"I'm showing him Niall's journal silly." Louis looks at her confused and she pulled him upstairs. Haylee sits Louis on Niall's bed and goes to Niall's desk to get the two notebooks.

She sits next to him and speaks, "Niall came home almost everyday from school and cry in his room, in that corner right there." She said while pointing at the chair in the corner next to the guitar. "I would come in to see if he was ok and he would tell me that I was too young to understand. One day he came home and did his normal routine but this time, he cried while looking at this page in this notebook." Haylee flipped through the pages and stopped at that one unfinished song. She handed it to Louis to read and he did. When Louis finished reading he looked at Haylee confused.

"This is a love song. Did Niall loose someone he loved?" Louis asked.

"That day he told me what this was about. He said he fell in love with this girl and it was about her but, they had problems and she wont talk to him anymore so he was depressed. That's when I asked about you. He told me that you two also had problems and that's when I realized he wrote it about you. Did they ever hold each other tight, like us. Referring to you guys hugging. Did they ever fight, like us. Referring to your problems you recently had. It made me wonder if you guys would ever be close again. You made him happier than that other boy he was with." Louis was speechless with tears in his eyes. Haylee takes the songbook from Louis and flips to the last page in the other notebook.

"What's this?" Louis asked.

"This is a letter Niall wrote. I saw your name in it a lot so I figured you wanted to read it. Liam knew you would eventually come around so, he told me to show you this and then order you to go straight to the hospital. He also said you are also allowed to read the other letters." Haylee smiles. "I will leave you alone to read it."

Haylee skipped out of the room and Louis looked at the notebook. He flipped to the first page and read through every last word in that notebook and by the last one, he broke down."How could I be so blind?" Louis mumbled to himself.

Haylee heard Louis crying and ran in to hug him. He cried harder while hugging her, feeling sick for thinking Niall did anything to her. Haylee looked up at Louis.

"Is Niall going to die?" She asked, concerned.

"I hope not."


Louis went to the hospital and eventually found Niall's room. Liam caught sight of Louis and hugged him. "You actually came! Thank you so much!"

"Where's your parents?"

"They are out getting food." Louis nodded.

"Can I talk to Niall alone please." Louis asked politely.

"Sure, take your time." Liam said while stepping out of the room. Louis walked up to Niall.

"Hi Ni. It's been a while since I called you that. I am so sorry for everything and like you said in the letter I had lies drilled into me. Don't ask why I believed them, I can't tell you." Louis looked at Niall's face and he grabbed Niall's hand tight. Tear fall from his eyes. "If I could change something, I'd change everything that happened between me and Jake and make something happened with us. I miss you Ni. I am hopelessly in love with you."

Louis kissed Niall's hand and he felt Niall's hand squeeze his own. A sudden long beep noise sounded. Niall's hand release Louis'. Louis looked at the heart rate monitor and it was a flat line. Louis cried harder hugging Niall lifeless body. "No, Niall. Liam help!" Liam rushed in with a doctor and nurses.

Louis still holding onto Niall cries, "Please save him. I can't loose him." Liam pulled Louis away from Niall.

"We'll do our best." The doctor said while shutting the door on them. Liam paced back and forth while calling multiple people while Louis sat on the floor near the door, praying.

Minutes went by and the doctor and many nurses walked out. Louis shot up. "Did you save him? Please tell me you did." Louis asked hopefully.

The doctor's face remained neutral and he spoke, "He is a very lucky boy. We almost lost him there." Louis and Liam sighed in relief.

"You are welcome to go see him, he is awake. Just one at a time we don't want to overwhelm him." The doctor walked away.

"You go in first." Liam told Louis.

"Are you sure?" Liam nodded and Louis walked in. Niall was sitting up with his eyes open. "Niall." Louis breathed out. He went up to Niall and gave him a giant hug.

"We almost lost you there." Louis said softly.

"I know, I fought for you." Niall said and Louis had tears pouring from his eyes.

"You squeezed my hand, did you hear what I said?" Niall nodded.

"I love you too." Louis smiled and placed a kiss on Niall's delightedly soft lips. "What's the date today?" Niall asked.

"It's Christmas Eve."

"Happy birthday!" Niall exclaimed.

"Thanks Ni, but how did you remember?" Louis questioned.

"How could I forget?" Niall smiled at Louis, making his smile widen. Louis kissed Niall's carved up skin.

"You're perfect."

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