Chapter 9:

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"Get away from me you creep!" One of Liam's friends shouted at Niall. Niall backed up, looking at Liam and Ariel.

"Liam, what-" Liam's other friend cute Niall off.

"You know exactly what, you damn pedophile. If I raped a little girl I would for damn sure not be acting like you are right now."

"I did what?" Niall questoned, scared to know the answer.

"Niall lets go." Ariel tried to pull Niall away but he didn't move. He was still looking at Liam. "Niall it's not important." Ariel said, still pulling Niall away.

Niall looked at Liam in the eyes and Liam just nodded. Ariel walked out of the school with Niall and brought to her car. Niall was about to get in the backseat but, Ariel made him sit in the front with her. Niall complied to her orders. Niall sat there looking at his feet.

"Do you know why they call me that?" Niall asked cringing. Ariel looked at Niall with a worried look but, stayed silent. Niall looked at her with a depressed look on his face and Ariel cracked.

"Yes I do."

"Can you tell me why?" Niall asked.

"Liam said I-"

"Please Ariel, tell me." Ariel looked down.

"They think you raped Haylee. Liam and I know that not true and that you would never do that but, most of the does not agree because someone told Louis a lie."

Niall looked at Ariel with tears in his eyes. "That never happened. For fuck's sake, she's my little cousin! That's sick, beyond sick!" Niall shouted and cried into his hands. "Who did this? Why would they say this to someone I love? What did I do for them to bring this on me? Is it because I'm gay? If I went straight, would that change anything that happened to me?" Niall mumbled to himself. Ariel hugged him.

"We don't know why they did this to you because there's nothing wrong with you. Did you do something wrong in the past?"

"No I didn't! It wasn't my fault he refused to come out until now-!" Niall stopped himself and covered his mouth.

"Who refused to come out until now?" Niall shook his head, looking down.

"No, Niall tell me." Ariel demanded.

"I can't! Can we just please go home, I need to go home."

"Niall we have to wait for Liam." Niall shook his head.

"No please take me home." Niall asked polietly and Ariel nodded but texted Liam before driving off.

Once the car stopped, Niall shot out of the car and ran to his room, slamming the door in the process. Niall went into the bathroom connecting to his room, turned on the shower and searched for a blade. When he finally found one, he didn't waste any time and started carving into his skin. The pain doesn't even bother him anymore. Blood slowly bleeding down his arm on to the floor, Niall didn't care and carved deeper than before. Niall didn't even realize how much time went by.


Ariel brought Liam home and Ariel told Liam, "I told him the reason why they call him that. He didn't take it well, he slammed the door and has been in the shower ever since I left." Liam's eyes widen.

"Why would you leave him alone? He has a past of cutting and if there's no one he can talk to about it-" Liam started up the stairs.

"I'm sorry Li, I didn't know!" She shouted to Liam as Liam threw open Niall's door and notice the bathroom door was open. Liam went to look in the bathroom and found Niall cutting deep into his arm.

"Niall?" Liam asked calmly. Niall jumped, dropping the bloody blade and looked at Liam with a scared look. Niall hid his arms behind his back even though Liam already saw it. Liam grabbed his arms revealing the slashes. "Niall, what the hell were you thinking?" Liam shouted. Niall shrugged and yanked back his arm from Liam. Liam stared at his arms.

"You promised me Niall! I can see those are farely new." He pointed to the 2 markings he made a months ago.

"I'm sorry, it just happened."

"You broke my promise. You swore you would never in a million year ever do that again. Why?" Liam asked. Niall grabbed a towel and started to wipe the floor.

"I deserved it Liam. Everything I've done, I deserved what I did. I had no one Liam. I felt dirty. I deserved it." Niall looked down.

"You have me! Before you did this today, you should have talked to me first but no, you decide to harm yourself instead!" Liam shouted, getting louder with each word.

"I wasn't thinking, but it doesn't hurt anymore."

"The fact that it doesn't hurt anymore is terrible! You don't deserve that!" Liam grew angry by the moment.

"What's the point of trying anymore when I have no one?"

Liam lost his breath for a moment but, shortly after Liam's anger returned. "Fine Niall, since you clearly have no one then I'm leaving. You don't need anyone then you can deal with this without me." Liam walked out, slamming the door behind him.

Niall began to panic, dropping the towel and started to pace. Niall grabbed his song book, hoping it will make everything better but it did not. He found the unfinished song that he hasn't touched since November 6th. The day Niall's life went from good to bad in one hour. Niall cried harder as he read through the song multiple times. He thought to himself, 'There will never be a you and I'. He put down the unfinished song and everything suddenly came back to him.

The feeling of the lady touching him.

The way Jake's lips felt against his. The hateful words that come from those same lips.

The rude comments coming from Sam and Louis.

Liam's words from their most recent conversation.

It was all too much for Niall. "Why? Why me? I'm sorry to everyone for everything I've done. I am so sorry." Niall starts to cry as he grabbed his notebook. He flipped to an empty page and wrote his final words. He walked into the bathroom, grabbing the blade, and this time carelessly slashing at his arm until he felt light headed and knocked out.

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