December 20, 2012

916 34 1

Dear Nobody,

I haven't wrote in a while, not much happened. I've also been busy. Liam won't let me out of his sight. I get it, he's being protective but it gets annoying sometimes.

Liam just recently got a girlfriend, Ariel, she's really pretty. They are the cutest couple. Liam made a few friends and they talk to me but, it's not like we're friends because they're only being nice due to the fact that I'm technically Liam's brother. Who am I kidding?  I am Liam's brother. Ariel on the other hand, is actually my friend and is very sweet. She is caring and constantly is making sure I'm ok because she found out about me cutting. I made her promise me not to tell Liam, I can't let him know.

I have been 42 days clean but, I don't know how much longer that will last. Louis, Jake, and Sam's bullying have got worse since Liam transferred out of my classes because they were too easy for him. So now, I'm yet again alone to be tortured. They keep calling me a pedophile, I don't know why. I cringe every time I hear that word. Liam knows why they call me that, but he won't tell me. Now it has spread to most of the school calling me that. It leaves me thinking, what did I do?

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