November 20, 2012

978 37 1

Dear Nobody,

   I'm not allowed to do much really because I have a concussion. The doctor gave me specific rules that I have to follow in order for my concussion to go away. I can go back to school but, I have to be watched at all times, just in case I collapse or something happens to me. I also, have to go straight home and relax. So today, I go back to school, and Liam is enrolling too.

Liam has recently became suspicious about mine and Jake's relationship. He has a feeling that I'm hiding something. Clearly I am but, I just hate how Liam can see right through my lies. He just knows me too well.

The doctors noticed the cuts on my arms and told Mr and Mrs White but they promised me that they wouldn't tell Liam. I can't ave Liam find out, he'll hate me for breaking his promise. I know I should stop but once you start it's really hard to stop. It has been 12 days clean since my 2 slip ups. If the bullying gets worse then we might have to reconsider. I would have to do it when Liam's not around and clean up the mess good when I'm done. No sigh of it anywhere. When or if he finds out about my cuts, I hope he's not too mad.

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