Dear Diary

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A/N: Hey everyone! I've rewritten this chapter and will continue to go through and edit the rest of the book now that I've had more practice at writing and my writing ability has (hopefully!) improved. Sorry to any re-readers who may be confused but I really think that this will improve the flow of the story.

I'd also like to add for any new readers that this style of writing isn't used for the whole book, this is just an introduction! I hope you enjoy it! GMA x

19th November 2011

Dear Diary,

Right. I've never done this kind of thing before, writing all my feelings down, so bear with me. Honestly I wouldn't be doing this if I hadn't been given this diary as a gift from my parents (hey, it is my birthday), but here we are!

So I suppose some form of introduction is in order in case anyone stumbles upon this in the future. Hey, maybe it'll just be thirty-year-old me, looking back at the relative discomfort of my life at 16, ha. Anyways, I'm Dana Lockhart, darling daughter to somewhat traditional parents and kid sister to an older brother who no longer lives with us. School is mostly terrible (biology excluded), my friends keep me sane, and I'm just like every other person my age.

Well, aside from one tiny detail.

Ah yes, I'm a lesbian. As gay as they come at a school full of ignorant teenagers with no openly queer students. Best to keep it a secret at school right? Oh, and also at home because, ya know, traditional parents who don't take kindly to change may have a few things to say to a child who embarrasses them by revealing such a sinful thing about themselves.

There's something really exhausting about keeping such a big secret from everyone. It'd be a relief I think, to come out to everyone and not have to worry about what I say or do that might let it slip. Maybe this will be the year I tell everyone!

Until next time,

D x

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