Bella's different beginning

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At the end of my biology class with Mr Freeman, the school bell rang. Big sighs of relief were breathed around me while my whole class rose from their seats and quickly walked out of the class. Meanwhile, our teacher was yelling out our homework over the sounds of cheering coming from the class. It was a pity that my boyfriend, Jacob Black, was part of the Quileute tribe because he had to go to the school on the reservation; I would have liked to spend schools day with him. My friend, Mike Newton, came to give me a hug.
"See ya soon, Bella! I have to go now, my mom's waiting for me," he told me while letting go of me.
"Okay, bye Mike. Have a great holiday," I replied and waved.
Next thing I knew, Jessica's almost ran toward me coming back from Gym. She had a huge smile on her face running from ear to ear.
"Hi Bella! Before you leave we need to organize a day to catch up!" she was very enthusiastic.
I smiled at the idea of that because my parents wouldn't be too happy if I spent all holiday with Jake.
"Sure! That sounds good. How about shopping next week sometime?"
"Yes! That would be awesome! Tuesday?" she was jumping up and down by now in excitement.
"Sure, sounds good. Bye, I'm leaving now. Text me the times and where we can meet."
"I will. Okay, bye Bella!"
I hurried to my locker, grabbed my grey school bag after shoving my homework in there and started toward my old rusty truck that Jacob had fixed up for me. I yelled a quick goodbye to Angela and Eric and drove toward home.
When I arrived home, Jacob was already standing on my porch because he had finished school the day before me and could hear my trucks engine from all the way down the street. I tossed my bag over my right shoulder and ran up to porch steps and dropped my bag.
"Hi, Jake!" I almost shouted.
"Hey there, Bells!" he replied
I wrapped my arms around his neck and his wrapped around my waist. I stretched up on my tippy toes and kissed him softly. He was growing so tall lately that he usually had to lift me off the ground slightly.
"I love you," he told me tenderly after a moment.
"I love you too," I said.
With another quick peck on the lips, we went inside. It was too hot to be outside for longer than you had to in Phoenix in the summer. When we walked in, Charlie and Billy were sitting on the couch and Renee was in the kitchen.
"Hi kids," Renee greeted us, while Charlie and Billy were too engulfed in a conversation that I couldn't hear.
"Hi," I said. "How was your day?" I asked.
"Great. In fact, we have some good news," Renee left the sentence hanging there for Charlie to finish.
Charlie spoke up, "Oh yes. Hi. The Cullen's are coming for a two week holiday and because we know their father Dr Carlisle Cullen and mother Esme Cullen, we have invited them over for dinner tomorrow night."
"Cool. Their names are Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice and Edward?" I asked.
"Yes, that's them," Charlie answered me.
Just then I caught Jacob and Billy giving each other a strange look. I decided not to say anything and ask Jake when we were upstairs in my room.
"Well, I'm going to my room to get my homework over and done with so we'll see you later," I told everybody.
"What's Jake going to do?" Charlie asked.
"Don't worry about me. I have homework to do too," Jacob assured them.
Jacob and I grabbed our bags and headed upstairs to my room. I opened the door and we put our bags on the floor next to my desk. My room was fairly small with a double bed in the far right corner with purple covers. In the middle of the wall on the left side sat my desk with a working lamp and a laptop. Then my wardrobe was right by the door way when you walk in.
"What was all that about?" I asked him when we had sat down on the edge of my bed.
"What?" he asked, confused.
"When Charlie said the Cullen's are coming tomorrow, you and Billy exchanged a strange look. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?"
He looked down at his hands, not sure what to say.
"Oh, that..." he paused for a moment and then said confidently, "Nothing you need to worry about," he said kissing me on the cheek. Then he got up and pulled out his math's book.
"Whatever. I guess I should do biology now anyway."
We worked quietly, only a comment here and there but at least we finished. When we packed up our homework, Jacob gave me a quick but deep kiss and we went downstairs to have dinner. I started to wonder. The last time I saw the Cullen's I was fifteen years old and I have to say they were pretty good looking. There was one of them in particular that I really noticed. Edward Cullen. I had a little crush on him back then and I hoped it wouldn't be relit when he came because I had a boyfriend now. But I still wondered. What he would look like now?

At the end of my biology class with Mr. Freeman, the school bell rang. Sighs of relief were heard around the class while the students rose from their seats and quickly rushed out of the class. Meanwhile, our teacher yelled out our homework for the day as the students tried to get out of class as fast as possible. It was a pity that my boyfriend, Jacob Black, was a part of the Quileute tribe because he had to go to the school on the reservation; I would have liked to spend school days with him. My friend, Mike Newton, came over to give me a big hug.
"See ya soon, Bella! I have to go now, my mom's waiting for me," he waved goodbye.
"Okay, bye, Mike. Have a great holiday," I replied and waved.
Next thing I knew, Jessica almost ran toward me coming back from Gym. She had a huge smile plastered all over her face.
"Hi Bella! Before you leave we need to organize a day to catch up!" She was very enthusiastic.
I smiled at the idea of that because my parents wouldn't be too happy if I spent all holidays with Jake.
"Sure! That sounds good. How about shopping next week sometime?" I exclaimed.
"Yes! That would be awesome! Tuesday?" she was jumping up and down by now in excitement.
"Sure, sounds good. Bye, I'm leaving now. Text me the details!"
"I will. Okay, bye Bella!"
I hurried to my locker, grabbed my grey school bag after shoving my homework in the various pockets and contently walked toward my old rusty truck that Jacob had fixed up for me. I yelled a quick goodbye to Angela and Eric and drove home.
When I arrived home, Jacob was already standing on my porch. He had finished school the day before me and could hear my truck's engine from all the way down the street. I tossed my grey, polyester bag over my right shoulder, ran up to the porch steps and dropped my bag.
"Hi, Jake!" I almost shouted.
"Hey there, Bells!" he replied.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. I stretched up on my tip toes and kissed him softly. He was so tall he usually had to lift me off the ground.
"I love you," he told me, softly.
"I love you too," I said.
With another quick peck on the lips we went inside. It was too hot to be outside for longer than you had to in Phoenix in the summer. When we walked in, Charlie and Billy were sitting on the couch and Renee was in the kitchen.
"Hey kids," Renee greeted us while Charlie and Billy were too engulfed in a conversation that I couldn't hear.
"Hi," I said. "How was your day?" I asked.
"Great. In fact, we have some good news," Renee left the sentence hanging there for Charlie to finish.
Charlie explained, "Oh yes, the Cullen's are coming for a two week holiday and because we know their father, Dr Carlisle Cullen and mother, Esme Cullen, we have invited them over for dinner tomorrow night,"
"Cool. Their names are Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice and Edward, right?" I asked.
"Yes, that's them," Charlie answered.
Just then I caught Jacob and Billy exchanging a strange look. I decided not to say anything and ask Jake when we were upstairs in my room.
"Well, I'm going to my room to get my homework finished so we'll see you later," I told everyone.
"What's Jake going to do?" Charlie asked.
"Don't worry about me. I'll find something to do," Jacob assured them.
Jacob and I grabbed our bags and headed upstairs to my room. I opened the door and we placed our bags on the floor next to my desk. My room was fairly small with a double bed in the far right corner with purple cotton covers. In the middle of the wall on the left side sat a nice polished desk with an office lamp and a laptop. Then my wardrobe was right by the door way where you walk in.
"What was all that about?" I asked him as sat down on the edge of my bed.
"What?" he asked, confused.
"When Charlie said the Cullen's were coming tomorrow, you and Billy exchanged a strange look. Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" I asked worryingly.
He looked down at his hands, not sure what to say.
"Oh, that..." he paused for a moment and said confidently, "Nothing you need to worry about," he said, kissing me on the forehead. He then got up and pulled out a novel.
"Whatever. I guess I should do biology now anyway." I stated, a little frustrated.
We read and worked quietly, only a comment here and there but at least we finished. When we packed up our homework, Jacob gave me a quick but passionate kiss and we went downstairs to have dinner. I started to wonder. The last time I saw the Cullen's I was fifteen years old and I have to say, they were a pretty good looking bunch. There was one in particular that I really noticed. Edward Cullen. I had had a little crush on him back then and I hoped it wouldn't come back when he came. Because I had a boyfriend now. But I still wondered. What would he look like now?

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