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Jacob's POV

I hadn't seen or even spoken to Bella in a while so I figured it was about time. And besides I have some bad news to tell her.

After I pulled up onto her driveway I jogged up the stairs of the porch and knocked on the front door. The door opened and I was greeted by Renee.

"Oh, Jacob! I haven't seen you in ages," she exclaimed.

"Hello, Renee, I'm so sorry I haven't come over but I have come to see Bella,"

A look of worry flashed across her face. "Um I'm not sure that is such a good idea at the moment."

I hesitated for a second before saying, "I'm sorry but I really need to see her."

I stepped around her and headed for the stairs. Quickly jogging up the staircase, to Bella's door and opening it I saw the one thing that I had been afraid of for days now.

That guy...Edward I think his name was. He was kissing Bella. Pain tore through me at the sight in front of me. I couldn't take it anymore and turned around to the top of the stairs.

"Jake! Stop I can explain!" Bella yelled, right behind me now.

"Forget it Bella, you can't explain," I croaked without turning around.

"I was going to come tell you today but I couldn't get the courage," she tried to explain. But it wasn't enough for me. It didn't even make sense. She caught up to me and grabbed my arm, turning me around.

I looked into her eyes and that's when it happened. The strange thing that my father recently told me about.

When I saw her, everything changed, nothing else mattered. It was like gravity, my whole center shifted in that second, suddenly it was not the earth holding me there, it was her. Isabella Marie Swan. I would do anything, be anything she needed. A friend. A brother. A protector.

Everything that had originally held me together fell apart and was replaced by something else. No...someone else. Bella was all that held me to the face of the earth.

I'm sure Bella had seen the new expression on my face because her expression changed to confusion.

I knew she had said something before but I completely forgot.

"What did you say?" I asked in a whisper.

She looked worried almost. "I-I was going to come see you today."

"And after that?"

"Jacob, I was going to come and see you today because I had something important to tell you but I couldn't get the courage to do so," she explained nervously.

Then I remembered what I walked in on. More pain. But this time it was torturing pain, worse than I could ever have imagined.

"What did you want to tell me?" I spoke each word at a time, not sure if I wanted to hear.

"Um, I don't think now is the time," her voice shaking. "Why did you come?" She asked nicely.

"I uh, um," I couldn't get the right words out, I couldn't speak at all.

"Yes..." Bella pressed gently.

"Bella, is everything okay?" a new, deep voice asked.

Edward came out of the room slowly.

"Um I'm not really sure," Bella replied.

"What do you mean you're not sure?" He asked quietly.

"Don't worry about it, Edward. Stay in my room, I'll be there in a minute," she told him.

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