A shock

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Bella's POV

I haven't seen Jacob since Sunday when he came and I saw how tall and muscular he was. I didn't think that was possible in two days. I was getting really worried because it was now Tuesday and I haven't seen him. He hasn't returned any of my messages or calls or anything. I even tried going to his house but Billy said he wasn't well and refused to let me in.

So here I sit, completely bored, in my room reading. Although these past few days haven't been totally boring because I have been hanging out with Edward. I still missed Jacob of course but he wasn't replying to me and I was starting to wonder if he even loved me anymore. Why else would he completely ignore me for days?

I'm in a daydream when my phone beeps. I sigh and reach over to my bedside table. I was surprised to see that Jacob had sent me a message. It read:

Bella, I am so sorry for ignoring you for the last few days. I need to explain to you why. Can you meet me at my house?

I really did want to see him so I replied:

Oh my gosh Jacob. I've missed you so much. And yes, I will be there as soon as I can.

I was so happy to have finally heard from Jacob. I hopped off of my bed and ran downstairs to tell Renee I was going to finally see Jacob before getting into my truck.

I drove down to his house worrying about what he needs to tell me, will he tell me he doesn't love me anymore?

I shook my head as if it would shake that thought away, maybe that's what I was hoping for. I eventually pulled up in front of his house and there he was, leaning against the door, shirtless with knee length daggy shorts. He grew about two feet in a tiny amount of time and he was so buff. I cut off the trucks loud engine and walked over to him so I was standing right in front of him.

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick," I said to him.

"I'm really sorry, Bella, but something has happened to me," he told me.

I was really getting worried now.

I took a deep breathe. "Jake, what is it? You're scaring me."

He nervously looked down at his hands before answering. "Okay, Bella, what I'm about to tell you will affect you too but I hope you don't pass out or something."

"Please just tell me," I begged.

"Okay, remember when I told you about that Quileute tribe myth? Well, the part about the werewolves isn't a myth. Bella, on Sunday, I transformed into a werewolf or a shape-shifter, if you must," he said.

Was he serious? I burst out into laughter, knowing this couldn't be true and he was playing a really dumb joke. I managed to calm myself down enough to stand up straight and look at his face. He had pain written all over his face.

"Oh my gosh Jacob. Do you really expect me to believe that you have turned into a werewolf and that legend in true?" I said still laughing.

"Bella, I promise you I am telling nothing but the truth. I promised myself I would never do this in front of you but if you don't believe me then I guess I have to. I am going to prove to you that I am telling the truth but just one thing, when I do turn into a werewolf, you can talk to me and I will hear but I cannot talk back in wolf form and I cannot change back in front of you because I will be naked," he told me.

This I can't wait to see. Not the last part but the part about him telling me he's I werewolf.

"Okay, humour me," I said with a smirk.

"Bella step back or you're going to get hurt," he ordered softly.

So I did what he said still not believing him.

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