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Bella's POV

It was half way through the second week that Edward was supposed to be here for a holiday and that meant that we only had a few days left to work things out. If we were going to go our separate ways, which neither of Us could even think about. so that option was out of the question. or I could move with him weather my parents agreed or not. or I could finish school here while Edward finishes school in Forks and then I could move to Forks too but I would very much love some time with him before he had to be changed.

I was still in a loosing battle of convincing Edward to change me, too. That way we could be together, forever. I thought that was what he wanted. maybe not. maybe I was just being delusional. maybe he doesn't want me as much as I want him. couldn't say I blamed him, I'm just a plain boring human. not an amazing, loving, giving, handsome, beautiful vampire who I didn't dream of in a million years.

I would have to have a good long chat with Edward about my immortality. I was a stubborn girl and I was not planning to let my guard down on this particular subject. especially when it is the most important decision of my life.


"Edward, you and I both know that you have to leave soon for Forks and I think it's about time that we talked about it because we could be separated for 6 months," I told him one afternoon.

"Yes I know and I've been thinking about it, too," he replied.

"And . . ?" I pressed.

"And I believe that it is entirely up to you if you stay here or come with me," he said.

I sighed. "Edward, of course I'm coming with you. what on earth would make you think otherwise? the only area that I'm not sure about is if I'll come straight away or stay here till I finish school."

"Bella, the choice is completely up to you. I certainly don't want to be a burden in your life," his voice was sad.

"You're not a burden in my life," I said simply.

He looked deep into my eyes and said, "Bella, how am I not a burden? well I may not be now but later . . ."

I groaned. "Edward, you have to understand something. you are not a burden, you never have been, and you never will be! And in case I haven't made it clear yet, I want a future with you and I that means that I want immortality, too."

He dropped his head into his hands. "No, Bella, I will not take away your soul!" he said.

I was suddenly confused. Why would he bring souls into this.

"How have souls come into this convocation?" I asked.

He slowly raised his head and looked at me. "Vampires only exists, Bella. they don't live," he whispered.

"Carlisle and Esme are vampires, right?" I asked.

"Yes? And?"

"And they are some of the most lovely, giving, generous people I have ever met. how can they not have souls? okay, if you really believe this, how does a soul get lost or taken away during the . . . Changing process anyway?" I was actually curious about the process of changing from human to vampire.

Edward looked back down as soon as I asked about the process. It couldn't be that bad, could it?

"What's wrong, Edward?" I said, lifting his chin up with my finger.

"Yes, Carlisle and Esme are wonderful people but they still only exist," he murmured.

"No. that's not true. when you are changed, you will have the same soul you have now, a beautiful soul, may I add," I smirked.

He was still sad.

"Ugh! don't be sad! be happy. we have each other. whatever path you go down, I follow. I will always want you forever. unless . . . You don't want me forever," I whispered the ending.

His face suddenly became alert. and in the next second I was embraced in a tight, warm hug, surrounded by Edwards arms. the place I loved to be. only this time I was a bit confused.

Maybe he was trying to soften the blow for me when the time came that we not able to be together anymore. for when he didn't want me. maybe when he goes through the transformation process, all your memory gets lost and he won't remember me anymore and he doesn't know how to tell me.

I needed answers. "Ah, Edward?"

"Mmm?" he bailey replied.

"I have a few questions," I said.

He pulled away and heals my face between his palms. "Bella, first you have to understand something that is very important that you remember for the rest of your life."

I frowned. I hesitated. "What is it?"

"I will love you forever," he said.

I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Do you understand? Do you believe me?"

I nodded. "I believe you. I can see it in your eyes, that's why I'm crying," I sniffed.

"Good. Now, what are your questions?"

I took a deep breath. "Do you . . . Lose your memory . . . When you are . . . Changed? Is that a reason why you don't want to be turned?" I said embarrassed.

"No, we don't lose our memory thank goodness. So I will definitely still remember you if that's what you're scared about. though over time, more like over a few decades, the human memories fade," he said, much to my relief.

"Okay, now for the next question, well, it's more like a demand," I started to say.

"What is it?"

I looked into his eyes in desperation. "Please, please, I'm begging you, let me be a vampire with you. just think about it. we can be together at this young age forever and one day get married," just imagining it gave me hope.

"I'm sorry, Bella, but no. I can't do that to you. you wouldn't be able to have kids, Bella. And I just can't bring myself to take that away from you, I want to give you things."

This shocked me but honestly I've never thought about myself in the mother position. I didn't think of myself as a parent.

"Okay, so I didn't think of that but, you have to know that I've never though of myself as a mum. I can promise you that," I told him.

"That doesn't change my mind, I'm sorry. I do, more than anything, want you forever but I can't," he said.

"Well, I could always just ask Carlisle or Esme," I smiled.

"They wouldn't dare," he snarled through clenched teeth.

I sighed. "I'll get my way eventually, you just wait and see, Mr."

A very distressing thought just hit me.

"What are we going to do about Jacob?" I asked.

Pain crossed his beautiful face and I immediately felt horrible.

"Oh gosh, Edward, I'm so sorry I was just thinking that if we live in Forks then Jacob will follow me wherever I go. Oh my gosh I'm such an idiot. Jacob already has to move to Forks because he can't stand the climate here. speaking of him, I haven't seen him in a couple of days and he said he can't do that," I really had no idea where he was, he hadn't called, texted, emailed, no form of communication at all.

"Okay, Bella, I don't know what to do about Jacob, I'm sorry. But if it makes your decision any easier, Forks is such a small town that there are a few open places in the high school there so if you wanted you could get in," he said. this was good news! Charlie and Renee wouldn't like it very much at all if I moved in the middle of the year but I might go crazy without Edward for 6 months.

I looked at Edward and smiled. "I've made my decision."

"About what?" he asked, confused.

"About if and when I move to Forks."

"Oh. . . And . . ?"

I leaned in a gave him a long and deep kiss, then I pulled back and said simply, "I'm moving with you when you go back and I don't care what my parents say. They can't keep me away from you. nothing can."

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