A silent prayer

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i'm really very extremely sorry that it is very very short but i was getting tired so yeh and you all already know that i'm sorry for the long waits between each chapter


Edwards POV

I'd obviously been off in a day dream because it was now getting dark outside and I just noticed that Bella had fallen asleep. I better get home. I pulled my phone out of my pocket only to see a lot of texts from Alice asking where I was. I texted my explanation that I got distracted and lost track of time and that I was on my way back.

All that time I'd been laying there thinking . . . wondering if I should tell Bella now that in my near future I would be a vampire. I thought she might be able to handle it if she has already heard about the legend and knew that at least one part of it is true.

I gently shook Bella and whispered her name until she stirred and woke up slowly.

"Oh, dear. What time is it? I'm a bit disoriented right now," she barely mumbled.

"Yes, sorry I completely lost track of time. It's getting dark out-side but it isn't that late. I haven't checked the time," I answered her. I looked over at her clock. "It's 9:00pm, not that late. I should get going, Alice is texting me."

"Come back tomorrow?" It was more of a question than a statement.

"Of course," I smiled down at her.

I started to get up when Bella followed me.

"I'll see you out," she said.

"Goodnight Charlie and Renee," I told her parents once we were downstairs and nearing the door.

"Oh goodnight Edward," Charlie and Renee said from the couch.

I opened the door and turned around to kiss Bella's fore head. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight. I'll see you tomorrow."

"I'll see you tomorrow," I repeated.

I got in my car and decide I would discuss with my family that Bella only knows about the legend. I would not tell them about Bella and Jacob, I promised. And I would also ask them if it was okay or if I should tell Bella about what my future was going to become.


I walked straight into the main room of the hotel where my family was and got right to the point.

"Bella knows about the legend," my voice slightly shaky.

Every head in the room turned and stared at me in shock.

"Does she believe any of it?" Alice asked.

"No," I lied. Fortunately my lying was convincible.

"Good," Rosalie said in a bitter tone.

Rosalie had changed dramatically since the Volturi came and demanded that we had to be changed in half a year. She did not want to throw away her life like that and loose the chance to become a mother and grow old with her soul mate. There was no solution because she couldn't just run away. Demitri, one of the Volturi, is a tracker it is his 'gift' and he could track Rosalie all over the world and when he did find her, he would either kill her on the spot or take her to Aro. Neither outcome would be good.

"Well," Rosalie began again. "I don't care if she believes the werewolf part. Actually I do care because some of those mutts can be very stupid and give everything away."

I spoke again. "Well then, I guess I have my answer from Rose. I was going to ask if I could tell Bella what we will be in a matter of months. I thought it is only fair because she and I are getting serious and its months away and you would be surprised how quickly that will go."

"Oh, God," Rosalie again.

"I trust your judgment, bro. so yes if you think it's right I agree," Emmett.

"I trust you too, Edward. Yes," Alice.

"If you're sure?" Jasper.

"I'm sure. Bella is very trustworthy and . . . I love her," I spoke truthfully.

"Oh please," Rosalie again.

I turned to face her. "Rose I'm sure that if you gave it a chance, a proper chance, that you will love her too."

She didn't reply. Now that that was settled, I would tell Bella tomorrow.

Please, please, don't let her be scared of me.



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