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Hi guys, i would have updated sooner but i've had exams, so yeah nut i hope you like this new chapter.


Edward's POV

We'd been in the car for several minutes now, silent. Every now and then I saw Bella look at me from the corner of my eye and I returned those glances. We both knew that we'd have to go our separate ways very soon and it had brought me to tears many times these last few months but Bella said she wanted to become a vampire, too. I thought differently, I didn't think she had completely thought about the long term affects or come to terms with not being able to see her human friends again, ever. I hoped she didn't misunderstand me. She probably thought I didn't want her enough to keep her forever, well, she was dead wrong. I would love nothing more to keep her by my side forever but I could never do that to her, take away her soul. Bella broke the silence finally.

"So, umm, I thought you should know before we discuss other things that Jacob had stopped seeing me every day so that he could stop phasing, so he doesn't turn into a wolf anymore, therefore I am not the subject of his imprint anymore." I could hear the smile in her voice. I didn't blame her I was beyond happy that I didn't have to share Bella partly with Jacob for the rest of her human life or for the rest of how long I have with her anyway.

Our hands were intertwined on the center console on the car. I lifted our hands and kissed hers. "That's wonderful news," I replied.

I turned my head to gaze at her. Her window was partly down and her beautiful wavy hair was blowing out the window gracefully.

"I've missed you . . . so much." I said.

She smiled. "Me, too."

I turned my head back to the road. Even if I did take my eyes off the road, I wasn't in much danger of crashing, first because I was a good driver and second because we were on a barley used road in between Seattle and Forks. So even if I did drift a little, there were no other cars around.

"I finished my exams early so I'm done with school forever which means I don't have to be back at a certain time . . ." Her voice trailed off.

"Bella," I warned.

"No, Edward. I'm stubborn and I will be changed whether it's at the same time as you or after you to make it easier on Carlisle and Esme," Bella said.

"Bella, even if we did change you, it would have to happen as soon as possible before the Volturi come to check on us because if they find out a human knows about us, we're all slaughtered. But I'll be damned if they come when you are still here. I will never forgive myself if anything happened to you. But you will not be changed, you will liv a normal human life, get married, have kids and grow old with your husband by your side on you porch."

"No! I do not want to grow old or be with anyone else! You should know that by now. Please, Edward, just listen to me, please?" Her eyes were pleading with me as I looked into them.

I sighed. "I'll do my best."

"Before you, I was with Jacob and I really truly thought I couldn't love anyone more than I loved him and I honestly thought I was happy and I would spend the rest of my life with him. And then you came to visit and everything changed, I didn't fall in love with you straight away though, but it did happen pretty quickly. It was during our first kiss that I realized what I'd been missing out on, that I could love someone in that way more than I'd loved Jacob. When I found out that you are going to be a vampire soon, I wasn't afraid. Whether you want me forever, I don't know but I want you forever and you are the reason I want to be changed."

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