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Hi guys, again, as always i'm really sorry for the late update but i hope you like it. It's getting more interesting now!


Bella's POV

I didn't have much time left before Edward left so I knew I had to get the 'moving' chat over and done with that day. It didn't go well of course, as I expected. There was some yelling and screaming. They thought I was crazy for considering moving in the middle of my final year of school and once they heard it was all about Edward, well let's just say they weren't happy. At first Edward started the chat with me but after it got tense my parents forced him to leave. They ended up grounding me and sending me to bed early. He was leaving on Saturday but it was Thursday so if I was going to say goodbye or at least see him again before he went, which I was determined to, then I would have no choice but to sneak out. At least my parents forgot about taking away my phone so I could text or call him . . . if I was quiet enough.

It was only nine o'clock so Charlie and Renee were still up, meaning I would have to wait another three hours till midnight when I might be able to attempt sneaking out. First I'd have to warn him so that he doesn't go to sleep. I take out my phone and text him.

'Hi babe, really sorry about earlier when my parents sent you out of the house, maybe it was best to just have a chat on my own. Anyway, my parents have grounded me after yelling and screaming but I am going to see you before you leave. No arguments. But of course this means I have to sneak out and I am stuck in my room so I have to wait till midnight, will you be able to stay awake till then?'

I sat in silence for a few moments while I waited for a reply.

'Hi love, you don't have to apologize, it's not like we expected much less when you ask if you can move to Forks in the middle of the year. I will stay awake all night for you if you want, see you in a few hours.'

'Okay,' I replied.

The next hour I occupied myself by reading. And then I waited while the time ticked by.

I still had no idea where Jacob was, he'd made no contact at all, and to be honest I was getting worried seeing as he had imprinted on me and because of the bond that is now a permanent thing hanging over our heads he said he wouldn't be able to stay away from me for more than a day at a time and I haven't seen him for . . . well I don't really know how long, I lost track of time.

(2 hours later)

I whipped out my phone to tell Edward that I was on my way. Then I quietly slipped out my door and closed it behind me. I had to take one of my parents cars otherwise my ruck would wake them up. I got into my mother's car and put the key in and turned it, and I was on my way to Edward's hotel. When I was parked outside I texted him to come down and meet me.

After a few minutes of waiting, I could begin to make out a moving figure in the darkness, and then it got closer, it was Edward. He opened the door and climbed it and shut the door behind him. He twined his fingers together in him lap and stared thoughtfully at them for a moment before slowly lifting it to look at mine.

Neither of us knew what to say so we sat in silence. After minutes of silence I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder, I felt his lips on my hair. I finally spoke.

"I'm so sorry."

"For what?" He asked, confused.

"Because I have to stay until school finishes."

"it's okay. You really shouldn't come at all. You should you know, stay here, live your life . . ." His voice trailed off.

"Edward . . ." I groaned.

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