The last day

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Bella's POV
For three days I've been stuck inside the Cullen house, I've been stuck with nothing to do but worry, wonder, think, imagine. But today's the day that Edward comes back and I'm beyond curious to see the new him but it also has be questioning, just how different will he be? How different will I be? Will this change things between us? So many questions and no answers. I could ask Alice or Rose or Esme but I'm scared of what they will say. I don't know if I want to find out.
I was upstairs in Edward's room when finally I heard the faint sound of a door opening and footsteps on the floor. I was desperate to go meet them but I wasn't sure if I had to stay where I was. soon enough though, Esme slowly opened the door and took my hand with a warm smile on her gentle face.
"Okay, Bella, promise me that you will stay here just until I come back okay? You have nothing to worry about though, it's just a precaution."
I sat silently as she looked at me, waiting for a response.
I nodded subtly. As Esme was turning toward the door to leave I spoke up.
She stopped in the doorway but only turned her head around to face me.
"Yes dear?"
I unlocked my gaze from hers and looked down at my hands. I feel a part of the bed sink down and I know Esme is next to me.
"Bella, what is it?"
"Will he be different?" I mumbled. I knew she could hear me perfectly.
"He will be in some ways, yes but he will still love you so very much. But don't worry, you two will be the same soon so you will both be different but the same. Well, I better get down stairs but I'll be back soon."
"Okay. Thank you Esme, your so kind."
And for the next ten minutes I sat on Edward's bed, shaking until I heard footsteps on the staircase and the door opened extremely slowly. an incredibly pale hand curled around the edge of the door to open it.
And then Edward appeared.
I sat staring at him as he slowly approached me. I was about to get up and move towards him when Carlisle and Esme appeared behind him and Carlisle stopped me from moving any further.
He put his hand up as a silent 'stop' signal. "Bella, just stay there for a minute. Edward's just taking precautions so just wait but don't worry, you're completely safe." Carlisle informed me.
"I'm not scared." I stated confidently. I had total trust in Edward. He would never hurt me.
I watched Edward for a few minutes as he stood a still as a rock and he kept his eyes closed, I wasn't sure why. there wasn't even the smallest sign that he was breathing.
Time passed as I saw Edward's chest start moving and he started opening his eyes. I gasped as I saw the deep crimson colour in his eyes but soon realised why and that I would soon have eyes like his and skin as pale as his.
"Bella . . ." He whispered as he moved gracefully toward me and lifted me off the bed in an embrace.
Wh knows how long we were hugging for but when we finally let each other go, Esme and Carlisle were not in the doorway anymore.
"What was it like?" I asked with anticipation.
He looked at me with a sudden confusion.
"You don't want this. Well, at least I can't put you through this. It's horrible, Bella."
"Seriously, would you stop with this?"
He took my face in his hands but I could tell he was trying to be careful.
"Bella, look at my eyes. aren't you scared, even a little bit?"
I placed a hand on each side if his face and kissed him. "No."
For a few days now, Alice and Rosalie have been changed and adapting well to their new life and Charlie and Renee have been called to tell them that I would be staying in Forks, with Edward. and I had to admit I was becoming more and more nervous the closer it grew to the time when I was supposed to be changed. But of course I would never give the slightest hint to anyone especially Edward that I was nervous because he would call it off without hesitation.
When it came to be my last day as a human, which was when Carlisle thought that the rest of them were strong enough to "control" me, Edward decided that we should go camping together next to the river in the woods. "my last human experience" he called it. I didn't complain, he thought of everything, plenty of food and water, blankets to keep me warm, a role up mattress, two big fluffy pillows and a big tent. and all this he already had set up perfectly as I saw when we arrived at the spot and I saw beautiful twinkling lights hanging from the tree branches above the tent as the sunset cast a beautiful shade of pink on the surface of the river.
"Edward, this is just beautiful. Thank you for this."
"No problem," I could hear the smile in his voice. "Let's get you settled in, you look tired."
"No," I said. "let's lay on the grass for a while, by the water."
"Are you sure?"
I threw a "yes" behind me as I walked toward the water line and lay down and looked at the stars.
Seconds later he came to lay down beside me and we lay in silence for a while.
"What's the best part about being a vampire?" I asked.
"Well, I haven't been one for long enough to know for sure but so far I think the best part is that all your emotions are heightened. Desire, touch, smell . . . Love."
"How long does it last?"
"Forever." He said.
"And what's the worst part?"
"Are you sure you want to know?"
He sighed. "The blood lust is the worst that I've discovered so far but I don't know, it could be different for everyone."
I turned my head to face him and found that I was face to face with him.
"What are we going to do for forever, literally?"
He grinned with his perfectly white teeth showing. "Whatever you want. we could travel the world on foot, we could buy our own house, we could adopt a puppy, we could get married, we could drive to the deepest depths of the ocean. our options are endless, Bella and we have all of eternity to do whatever we want."
"Mm, that sounds nice."
The sun had gone down and the only thing that allowed me to see Edward's perfectly sculpted face and glowing eyes was the lights he had set up and the moon that sat watching over us in the sky surrounded my billions of stars.
I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder with his arm around my waist.
"You can sleep if you want. I can carry you to the tent later." he whispered in my ear.
"Mm . . ."
Edward's POV
As soon as I walked back into the house as a new vampire I new something was different about me. I could hear many voices at once even when no one was moving their lips and Carlisle told me that I was a mind reader. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hear Bella's thoughts and that bugged me more than it should. She was glad about it though, she said something about the fact that it was too embarrassing for me to know what she's thinking all day everyday.
A little while after Bella fell asleep in my arms, I heard the thoughts of two blurred white figures that I spotted across the river and they had a scent that I didn't recognise. I decided not to move yet, no point waking Bella if nothing is wrong. 

Ooh, I smell a lovely human. I can’t wait to get a taste of that.

That's when I whipped up and woke Bella up as fast as I could.

I stood her up with me and walked to the front of the tent.
"Bella, I need you to stay in the tent and be quiet until I tell you that it's safe okay? I don't know for sure but I think we have company and I don't know who they are."
"Promise me you'll be careful, stay alive. for me." I could see the desperation in her eyes.
"I promise. I love you, always."
She threw her arms around my neck and smashed her lips onto mine.
"I love you." And she went inside the tent and closed the zip.
I turned around and was met with two white figures. one man with blond hair that was tied into a short pony tail with bright crimson eyes and a confident stance with his legs spread slightly a part. standing next to him was a woman with fiery red hair that hung in tight curls that ran just past her shoulders with the same bright crimson eyes. thus both frowned and crept forward slowly as if they were trying to examine something rare. I stepped forward to prevent them form coming any further to the tent.
"Who are you and what do you want?" I demanded.
"I'm Victoria," the woman gestured to herself and then she gestured to the man, "and this is James. we have come to feed on the human but first we have to get past you but that won't be hard, there's only one of you so we can take you down without blinking."
I swallowed the lump in my throat. I knew the truth of this situation. Bella and I would die because two vampires who drink human blood against one vampire who drinks animal blood is not a good combination and without protection, Bella will be dead in a second.

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