The Cullen's

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On Saturday morning when I woke up at 11:30am, I was horrified at myself for wasting the day. I was suddenly nervous about the Cullen's visiting us. I decided to try and let it go, so I got up and chucked on my dressing gown. Slowly, I made my way downstairs and prepared a bowl of cereal for myself. I joined my parents at the table.

"Hey honey, did you have a good sleep?" Renee asked.

"Yeah, thanks. I don't know how I woke up so late," I replied flatly "What time are the Cullen's arriving?" I asked.

"Um around 4:00pm," Charlie answered.

"What?! That soon?"

Charlie and Renee just nodded.

I quickly finished my cereal, rinsed my bowl and hurried upstairs. First I got dressed into some 'around the house' clothes to make my room spotless. Then I made my bed because one of the Cullen's, Alice, loved fashion and decorating and anything pretty so I had to have my room looking its best for that. Next I got dressed into something more appropriate for guests. Denim shorts, a nice white top and light pink flip flops. I brushed my hair back into a neat pony tail; I didn't need any mascara because I had thick brown hair so that made my eyelashes dark. I made my way downstairs and, of course, Renee asked me to help her clean. So I did the dishes then thought it would be nice if I baked some cookies.

After all this was done, they still hadn't arrived. So I sat down on the couch and read my favourite book, "Wuthering Heights". Soon, I had finally heard a car engine at 5:00pm. My parents and I walked together to the front porch. They all piled out one by one.

Renee was the first one to speak. "Hello everybody! It is so nice to finally see you all again!"

"Hello Renee, Charlie and Bella! Oh my goodness I haven't seen you in ages," Alice replied.

Then everyone else came forward and greeted us. They approached each of us to say hello. And Alice gave me a huge hug and was very enthusiastic. Jasper and Rosalie simply shook my hand and said hi, and Emmett was enthusiastic with his greeting but also shook my hand. And then Edward came. He had changed into a beautiful looking young man in the three years since we last saw each other. He smiled at me and I lost my train of thought. How did he do that? My words were stuck in my throat.

I eventually managed to force them out, "Hello Edward, it's been ages," somehow my voice came out quiet smooth.

He nodded once. "Hello Bella. Yes, it has indeed."

Charlie led the way inside. "Please, make yourselves at home. Have you had a chance to settle in at you apartment?" he asked Alice.

"Yes we have, thank you. You have a lovely home." She complimented with wondering eyes.

"Thank you very much. What would you all like to do today? We could take a walk on the beach because it's basically right outside the house. Or we could stay in..." Renee offered.

"Well, we are all pretty tired after the plane trip then organising the apartment so maybe just stay in?" Alice turned it into a question.

"Certainly," Renee smiled.

So, that's what we did. We sat at the dining room table and had some afternoon snacks, along with my cookies which thankfully everyone seemed to enjoy. We sat around, talked and played card games till 10:00pm and the Cullen's went back to their apartment. I was a little disappointed to see them leave; I had a strange and awkward attraction to Edward.

That night, after I helped clean up, I went to bed at 11:00pm. There, on my bed, I lay not being able to stop thinking about Edward. He kept sneaking glances at me all afternoon but for some reason, I liked it.

No, no, no, no, no! What are you thinking Bella! You're supposed to be thinking about Jacob not Edward. But I couldn't help it in the end.

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