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Hi everyone,here's another hopefully good chapter!!!P.S Sometimes I change things a little!Enjoy

RE-EDITED 04/01/2017


I guess a sleep-over could really be great to keep my 'disguise'.

What if this blows in my face.What if I get attached and The Others do something?

I shouldn't think about it too much.I shook the thought away and sat up getting in my car and drive to the address Elena sent me.


Elena opened the door and invited me in, we. walked into the kitchen were everyone was unpacking snacks and food.Caroline and Bonnie gave each other a look of anger and Caroline looked at me and Elena.Elena signaled to Caroline to talk to her and I cleared my throat awkwardly.

Caroline sighed and looked to Bonnie "I'm sorry,there I said it" we all looked at each other and Caroline continued "If you want that ugly ass necklace,keep it!"

Bonnie hesitated then said "Will you hate me if I threw it away?" I looked down,this isn't how I thought it would be and what necklace?Why is it so important.

Caroline stated angrily "You threw it away?" Bonnie sighed and muttered under her breath "I know it sounds crazy but necklace was giving me nightmares and I had to get rid of it!" Caroline seriously looked pissed "You could've just given it back to me"

Elena looked at Caroline and stated "Why?So you could give it to Damon?" Caroline sighed and looked at me then back to Elena "Screw,Damon!" She said and I almost choked.What does she want with him?

"Are we gonna do manicures or what?Who has their kit here!" She said giving me a fake smile."Mine is in my bag"Bonnie said a little more happy but I guess not a lot.Caroline walked off and Elena and Bonnie looked at me "So, Stevie.Where do you live?" They asked and I looked at them surprised at the random question. "In Garry's Motel" I answered."You live in a motel?!" She asked really fucking loud.I looked down explaining "I have no were else to go,after my family died in a accident" I said and Elena sighed "No more sad talk" she pointed to me and said "We'll talk about this later!"

"So Elena,how long do you think this fight with Stefan is gonna last?" Caroline asked, thank goodness she broke the silence but I didn't know Stefan and Elena had a fight,they were just kissing this morning!

See that's why I don't have a boyfriend,too complicated!

"I don't know Caroline"She said looking down eating her food and I took a bite of mine.Caroline scoffed "Why are you such a liar,Bonnie!" I looked up and took a step back.This is getting dirty,quick!

Everyone stared at the necklace.

Bonnie said honestly "I'm not lying to you,Caroline!I swear" Elena put her hands in her jean pockets and said "It's true,I watched her throw it off the field." Elena backed Bonnie up"Then explain" She said looking at Bonnie."Is it Emily?" Elena asked awkwardly.

"Oh so now the Ghost has a name?" Caroline said sarcastic.I rolled my eyes at her stubbornness."What is going on?!" Caroline asked yelling"You guys always leave me out!"

I wanted to walk out of the kitchen,mainly because I have a major boredom-ache but Elena grabbed my arm and I stood still."That's not true Caroline!" Elena said but Bonnie cut her off "Yes,it is"

"I can't talk to you,you don't listen!" Bonnie said angrily looking at Caroline.Caroline scoffed pissed off "That is not true!" I scratched my head and Bonnie explained "I'm a witch" Caroline laughed bitchy and said "Well don't we all know it!"I wanna laugh but I know that it will make me seem like I'm picking sides.Bonnie yelled "See that's what I'm talking about,I'm trying to tell you something but you don't care!"

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