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Hey everyone!Enjoying the book?Well,just wanted to add.Frea Ericson is Stevie's cousin and she's not the boss of the others she's a little under that.Anyway Sorry for not updating these last few days,out power was cut so no internet!!!ENJOY❤❤❤ the story...


Stevie POV

I slowly opened my eyes and sat up.I heard a laughter down stairs and sat up.Quickly putting on a random outfit and walked to the loud noise.I stopped when I saw familiar strawberry blonde hair.Elena was sitting next to her talking.Elena looked at me "Hey Stef!" I smiled and said "Hey".The other girl sat up and when she turned around I saw my best-friend who I thought was killed.How is she alive? I ran to her giving her a hug. "Stef! Still a strong hugger?" I laughed and let go and asked "Merissa,how are you here?! When?!" She laughed and I sat down.Her next to me on my right and Elena on the left.I looked at her and she said "I had vampire blood in my system and when I got killed I was in transition." My smile turned into a frown "You never told me,your best friend?" She looked at her hands and said "I'm sorry it's just you were a Hunter and I was scared.Im really sorry" Elena got up and said "You guys talk it out,I'm gonna hit the shower" We nodded and she walked a away.


"So you guys talked it out" Elena asked coming down the stairs.We stood up and said "Yes"

I pulled out my phone.Today I have to face talking to Frea,my cousin.Im gonna ask her for my retirement! I found her contact and sent the message:

We have to talk about something serious.I beg of you to meet me near the exit of mystic falls.Alone,I also ask kindly for you to bring a open mind with you....

Your cousin,Stevie.

I waited a little then my phone buzzed:


Stef,If it is really important I shall be there tomorrow night.Ill have a open mind about the open mind.I truly hope this is nothing really bad.

Your cousin,Frea.

I smiled and put it away.Ready to start my day!

While Elena was questioning Stefan In her room I heard the door bell and stood up.Jeremy ran infront of me smirking.So I sat back down.

He invited in the pizza and yelled "Elena we need the money!" I smirked and walked over to the guy "Ill take that" I said grabbing it and walking in the kitchen placing it on the counter.I love the warm smell of pizza.

Elena walked in and grabbed a piece.I did the same and said "He's kinda cute!" She giggled and Jeremy shook his head,rolling his eyes.

Next day:

I got my bag and we ran out quickly locking the door behind us.I got in my car and drove Jeremy and Elena to school.

I got to my locker and grabbed my science book and ran to class,the most boring one.

I saw Caroline and Elena so I ran to them.And they both said "Hey Stef"

"Elena brought me a necklace" Caroline said and I smiled "What's the occasion?" I asked as we walked to...I don't even know."No occasion,just a little friend gift."Lesbian friend gift,because we're freaky like that!" Caroline said making a sexy face and I laughed."Why are you so mushy?" I asked and got out my gummy worms.And we sat down on a bench."I just wanted to show that what ever is going on with you and Matt is ok"she smiled at Caroline.Caroline opened her mouth and said "I was gonna talk to you guys about that"
She hesitated again "I was but" I raised a eyebrow "But?"
She smiled awkwardly and said "There's just not much to say.Were just a couple sometimes and that's it"

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