«Where My Feet Take Me»

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I sigh as I step on the train, with all honesty I'm going to miss Finnick but I chose to move around by train and bus and the other transports I can afford. All the time my mind would wonder off to how betrayed I felt from my fiancé cheating on me with my best friend but not anymore... My mind now goes to Katniss... The lady in red... The person I was so close to kissing. The only person I actually felt something with... Is gone and I let it happen. The least I could've done was ask for her number or something, not let her go but I was too much of in a daze by her beauty I couldn't concentrate... I've always thought what would've happened if I had given her my number or asked for hers? Would it have been different? Would it have made my messy life clean again? Well it's too late now and she's gone and I'll never get to see her again.

I sigh as I get on my fifth train its 3:45am and I'm still catching the train which I'm taking to California. All I need to do is catch two more trains and I'll be there and I look to see how much time till the next stop. Forty five minutes. And so to pass the time I set an alarm to twenty minutes and I decide to fall asleep.

Once my timer goes off I jolt up and look to see how far I am from my stop twenty five minutes okay then I should get ready. You know by know when I was younger I would've thought I was married with maybe a kid at least one in the way but instead I'm catching trains and/or buses around places. Luckily my uncle Haymich has a house in California and he agreed to letting me stay with him till I get a well payed job and I get my own apartment and own money so I can start moving again.


It's now 11:30 am and I've finally got off my final bus which has stopped two blocks away from my uncle luckily. I sigh and start walking, how did I let it ever come to this? Getting a job just so I'll have a place to stay and then in two months time leave to another place. I'm hoping that I don't do this forever cause I know eventually I'll run out of money or not earn enough and I'll be poor. Living on the streets. I have a feeling that that's going to happen anyway. I don't need to imagine it.

I knock on the brown mahogany door and after a little while my uncles wife Effie answers

"Peeta!" She says in her posh voice hugging me and I hug back

"Hi Effie. How are you?" I asks

"I'm wonderful! Come in! Come in!" She squeals and I walk into the kitchen where Haymich and my cousins are

"Hey there Peeta" Haymichs smiles

"Hey Uncle Haymich" I reply

"Your Aunt has set your bed which is in Danny's room" he states and I nod, Danny is my cousin and he's eighteen then there's Charlie who's fifteen, Becca is twelve and then Heather is nine. I place my bag on the bed that is near Danny's, I sigh laying down and my mind goes to the lady in the red dress, Katniss to be exact, I let her go just like that... How could I let her go so easily... I just wish I could've gotten a chance with her.


"Where are you gonna go next?" Danny asks as we lay in bed and I sigh

"I don't know. I guess I'll just go where my feet take me" I reply

"Oh. So you're not staying with us?" He asks

"No. Sorry"

"It's fine. I was just looking forward to seeing you cause I missed you heaps" he replies and I chuckle shutting off the lamp

"Night Peeta" he says

"Night Dan"

I wake up expecting to see Danny in the bed across the room but instead I'm in a king sized bed and a woman with dark hair lays next to me. I'm really confused right now. I look on my hand and see a gold band around my ring finger, I don't remember getting married... On the bedside table I look and see a photograph in a frame it's a picture of me and... Katniss... The lady in red as I call her, she's in a white dress and I'm in a grey tux, we're smiling at each other with cake all over our mouths and next to it in a much smaller frame is a picture of a maybe three? Four? Year old girl with her long dark hair in two braids and is smiling on my hip as we stand next to a For Sale sign and a big sticker with red bold writing says SOLD and Katniss stands next on the other side a hand on her swollen stomach

I turn back around and still see her just laying there, breathing, asleep. I'm married to Katniss? When did this happen? Seeing as what most of the frames tell me that we're married I put my arm around her and cuddle up to her, if this all is a dream I will be so upset because this is a perfect dream. She soon starts to stir and she turns her body and smiles at me and I smile back at her and notice the small bump from her t-shirt but it's smaller than the one in the picture, we kiss on the lips, fireworks explode off my lips when she takes hers off

"Willow and Thomas are going to my parents house this weekend so that means we can have it all to ourselves" she says and I hover over her and she giggles

"Great. That gives us some alone time" I smirk kissing her neck making her moan

"You know Peeta Mellark. You'll be the end of me" she sighs as I continuously kiss around her neck and up till I get to her lips and I smile

"As will you Katniss Mellark" I smile and she giggles as we kiss again

"We better get up now and wake the kids, I don't think they'll like seeing us like this" Katniss giggles and I chuckle kissing her one more time. This is the perfect life for me. It all feels real until my eyes open

I tiredly look around and look at the clock to see that it's 2:36 pm, I groan into my pillow as that dream felt so real... Wow, I really do need to see Katniss again... I'm even starting to have dreams about her.

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