«The Scan»

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_4 Days Later_

We sit in the waiting room as we wait for our name to be called. Today is our first scan, we'll get to see our baby, I'm so nervous cause this'll be our first baby and I'm also excited... But nervous as well, Peeta is also nervous even though he's done this before but this is actually his kid and we have officially decided to not call our baby an it but instead we call our baby bear cause I think that it'll be cute when he or she is born. Even though I love Peeta and he loves me... I can't help but feel that he still thinks about his ex-wife Delly, I can't help but feel that he still maybe loves her... I know it's crazy and he's a great husband and is always there for me and I know that he's not a cheater but with all that happened in my past I'm just so insecure that he still loves her... and I want to talk about it with him but I'm scared he'll get angry and leave me.

"Mellark" a doctor says and Peeta and I stand up and follow her into a room, I lay on the little bed as she instructs and Peeta gets a chair next to me

"So. Is this your first child?" She asks

"Yes" I reply and she nods

"Okay, I'm just going to place cold gel on my stomach okay?" She states and I nod, she then squirts gel on my stomach and moves a wand around and after a little bit this loud sound fills the room and she smiles

"What's that sound?" I ask

"That, is the sound of your baby's heart" she says and I smile letting a single tear fall and I feel Peeta kiss my hand and I look over to him to see his eyes are watery and I look back to the screen and then she stops

"Right here" she circles a blob on the screen

"Is your little bean" she says and I look down at my stomach smiling

"Do you want pictures printed?" She asks and I nod and she smiles, presses a few buttons and then leaves after turning the machine off, she then later returns with two photos and gives Peeta and I each

"Now, like we do with all of our pregnant clients we do more tests just to make sure everything's normal" she explains and I nod.


I walk through the door and go into the lounge and just sit on the couch thinking, does Peeta actually still love her? I know he's noticed something's wrong because after the appointment I was extremely quiet, even in the car and it's not now till I realise he's at the doorframe but I look down at my hands and he sighs and I soon feel him sitting next to me

"Katniss, did I do something? Did I say something?" He asks and I can't keep my tears in and he makes me look at him and he wipes my tears away

"Talk to me baby. We're married remember? We talk to each other" he says and I can't help it

"Do you still love her?" I ask and he looks at me massively confused

"What? Love who?" He asks and I sigh

"Your ex-wife, Delly, I can't help that you still love her..." I trail off and he sighs

"Katniss, I haven't thought about her since before I met you, why would you think that?" He asks and I shrug

"I guess I'm just insecure, it's okay to go to her though, it's okay" I say and he softly pushes me down and climbs on top of me

"If I still love her would I do this?" And I gasp feeling his hand go down my pants and he starts kissing my neck

"Peeta, do you really love me? Be honest" I sigh and his hand comes out of my pants and he looks at me in the eyes

"I love you more than life itself" he admits and joins our lips and I lift his shirt up and over his head and we continue to kiss

"I love you. Don't ever forget that, your my one and only" he says on my lips and I nod and my shirt is taken off and Peeta massages one of my breasts and I moan as he kisses me

"Have I told you how beautiful you are?" He asks

"Maybe once or twice" I smile and he chuckles

"Well... you're beautiful" he smiles kissing my neck and he then kisses my stomach which is surprisingly already got a visible baby bump

"Maybe.... we should continue in the bedroom" I sigh and he gets off me and lifts me off the couch and carries me to our room and he shuts the door with his foot and lays me on the bed and we continue kissing and he shows me exactly how much he really does love me.

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