«First Year»

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_A Year Later_

Peeta POV

"That's so typical Peeta! Always coming home late!" Katniss yells, this is the last thing I want tonight

"Katniss. Seriously, shut your mouth. I don't want to have another argument alright? I want to just go to bed" I say tiredly but annoyed and angry

"No. You stay right there, why?! Why are you so late home all of a sudden?!" She yells

"You wanna know?!" I exclaim

"Yes Peeta! I wanna know"

"Okay fine! Seeing as you're slacking on your work I've been having to take extra hours at work! I'm working my ass off to make sure that we still have a house! Food to eat! Bills payed! That's why I come home so late so maybe if you got more than two days a week maybe we'd actually be able to sit on the couch drinking wine! Having a nice conversation but no! Katniss just has to suspect I'm cheating on her!" I yell

"How dare you Peeta! Firstly you already get payed money more than we ever need! And I try to have conversations with you! But you're always on your computer doing something and you 'can't talk right now'" she exclaims and I grab my jacket

"Where are you going?" She says

"Somewhere. Honestly I really don't want to deal with your shit tonight" and I slam the door shut walking down the street with my hands in my jacket pockets and sigh it's around November and Katniss and I have been usually fighting like cats and dogs, I hate it, I love her though, I love her more than anything it's just I hate that she's not taking more days for work leaving less time for us cause I'm taking a lot more hours at the bakery.

Soon I find myself up the next room above the bakery and sit on the couch in my office after taking my jacket off. Well I guess another night in the bakery, why is married life so difficult? I hate that we fight all the time. It comes around and hour and I haven't been able to sleep, I can't stop thinking about how guilty I feel about what I said to Katniss and that's when the office door opens making me sit up and Katniss comes in, please not another fight, I can't deal with that, she shuts the door and looks to her shoes

"Is everything okay?" I ask and she shakes her head

"I couldn't sleep" she whispers

"Neither could I. I felt too guilty" I admit and she sighs sitting next to me

"Peeta. I don't want to play this game again. I just want to forget about our fight, I've decided to work five days a week from 9:30 till 3:00. So then you can drop your extra hours and we'll have time together" she explains and I look at her and smile, I can't resist, I kiss her and I'm so happy that she kisses back, I slide her jacket off her and drop it on the floor and she brakes away sighing

"As much as I'd love this to continue... We might want to do this at home" she states and that's exactly what happened.


"So have you and Katniss gotten any better at solving your fights?" John asks as we bake and I smile

"Yeah. We've got it all under control" I reply, it's been a few weeks after our huge fight and Katniss kept her word and has been working five days a week meaning I'm able to be home by five instead of eight which we both now love, I get to cuddle her when I'm home and maybe fit in some alone time with her which she's always up for

"That's great to hear. They always say that the last year is the hardest" he says

"Tell me about it we'd have at least one argument once every three weeks" I reply

"Yeah. That was the same with me and Anna and the thing that made it even worse was that she was pregnant. Man just wait till Katniss is pregnant, here's the trick, agree on everything they say, do what ever they say and don't piss them off cause Katniss angry while pregnant, that girl would be so mad" he says and I chuckle

"I'll make sure to keep that in mind" I reply

Short chapter of the first year of marriage life for Katniss and Peeta

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