«Our Babies»

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Two weeks Later

"Are you sure it's normal? For them to come this early?" I ask the midwife as I lay in the hospital bed, Peeta nervously by my side

"I'm sure Katniss. They're early only because they're twins, they don't stay in the womb for as long as a single baby would" she explains setting up the station for our babies

"How long do I have left?" I groan in pain

"Well we checked you a few minutes ago and you're still only six centimetres dilated. It takes a while to be fully dilated. Your early labor we can tell went for twelve hours, this phase goes for around 3-5 hours, then the pushing could go for two hours so you might be here for a while, just sit tight and try to relax okay?" She replies and I nod, ugh! Why does this process have to take so long!

Peeta and I walk around the hallway outside my room as I try to keep my mind off the labor, I'm trying to do steady breathing, this entire labor is just painful

"I just want them to come out already. I'm so sore and tired" I complain

"I know... I hate seeing you in pain" he replies as we walk back into the room and I lean over the bed trying to control my breathing, after a few minutes the door opens and my mom, Prim and dad walk in

"How you doing baby girl?" My dad comforts as Peeta hugs my mom

"Should I answer truthfully?" I ask as I hug him and he chuckles

"I guess not. That pretty much answers my question" he says with a smile

"Can you take Peeta to get something to eat? He didn't have dinner and hasn't had any breakfast" I ask my dad and he chuckles walking over to Peeta, eventually dragging him out of the room to go eat

"Did it hurt this much mom?" I ask laying back in bed

"It sure did, when I was pushing you out I almost broke your dad's hand, it had bruises everywhere" she giggles

"How've you been enjoying your Summer little duck?" I ask

"It's been great! It sucks that next month I'm back at school" she replies and I smile

"Why? I thought you liked school" I chuckle

"I do. I just won't be able to see my niece and nephew that often" she sighs while sitting at the end of my bed, after I found out that I was pregnant my parents and Prim moved into a small house here in North Carolina so they can be closer to us, plus Liam lives just a hour away from here, it's good that we're all near each other...

"You will. School comes first though, we can come visit when we can on weekends" I reassure my teenage sister and she smiles

"Mom... could you get me some water please?" I groan feeling another contraction

"Of course sweetie" she replies getting my water bottle from my hospital bag and giving it to me, I thank her before I drink it, feeling the cold liquid calming my throat

"That's so much better" I sigh but just as I say that I am puking into a bucket

"I take that back I feel worse" I groan while my mom washes the bucket that I've puked in like three times now

"Oh my god this is killing me. Why can't I just start pushing" I whine

"You'll make it. It won't be long"


"Ahhhhhh!" I scream pushing as hard as I can for like the fifty millionth time... okay it's only two put it feels like more

"Come on Katniss. I can see the head! A few more pushes darlin" the midwife encourages and I look to Peeta who's hand I've got in a death grip

"It's okay baby. Squeeze my hand as hard as you can. It'll help" he comforts and so I push while squeezing the pain I feel into Peeta's head

"Good girl! Another big push and baby number one is out!" The midwife smiles, I push as hard as I possibly can and I feel our baby slide out

"It's a girl!" She smiles and Peeta is able to cut the cord before she's able to get cleaned up

"Okay when you feel another contraction you push. We still need to get your boy out" the midwife says and I nod, once a feel another contraction I start to push then eventually after a lot of pushing and screaming our baby boy is out and I'm finally able to relax, after our babies are cleaned they're brought over to us, after we have our small cuddles they're taken for tests and while that's happening I'm transferred out of the delivery room and into a normal hospital room where I am finally able to relax and once everyone has left leaving just Peeta and I, I fall straight asleep.

"Now what I suggest would be easier is you Katniss pump some breastmilk into bottles so Peeta can also help. It's also best to keep them in your room for a few weeks" the nurse instructs as I hold our baby girl while she feeds

"Okay thank you" I smile at her and she leaves the room

"Jeez I'm so tired" Peeta yawns, as of now our babies are just three hours old and Peeta hasn't slept, he was too on edge last night and watched me the entire time I slept in case something happened

"Then go home and sleep. We're not going anywhere" I reply

"No I don't want to leave you alone"

"You don't have to cause I'm here" Mary says walking in

"Go home and sleep now. I'll be with Katniss. Let me see my nephew" she smiles taking our son from Peeta

"And what's this little mans name?" She giggles

"Chase Mellark and this is his sister Willow Mellark" I reply while Peeta grabs the keys, kisses my cheek then leaves, Mary stays till it's late at night before she goes home leaving me to chill with my babies who I show on all my social media for everyone to see, my beautiful babies.

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