«Dinner Guest»

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~Few Weeks Later~

I sit on Haymichs porch drawing. I keep having dreams, dreams about Katniss, I've quit smoking and I've started to drink less and less and started drinking and eating a lot more healthier. Danny convinced me to stay for another month so instead of leaving in two months I'll be leaving in three. Haymich is letting me work with him at his liquor store. Effie wanted me to work with her in fashion but fashion isn't exactly what I'll call my kinda thing. I smile as I look at the drawing, her red dress, dark hair with brown strands, her stormy grey eyes, beautiful smile. Absolutely beautiful. I'm drawing Katniss incase you haven't already guessed. The one for me who I won't ever get to see.

I sigh as I work out what's wrong with Haymichs car. I may be a baker but my father did show me a thing or two about cars when I was twelve and showed me things to look out for. I wonder how my parents are? My brothers. Nieces. Nephews. I chose this life though, I mean yeah if I ever saw Katniss again I wouldn't mind settling down with her. Having a stable job that keeps us on our feet, but I'm never going to be able to see her again and so I'm stuck with this life.

"Peeta dear!" Effie says from the porch and I look at her


"Get cleaned up and dress nicely. We're having a guest over for dinner!" She states and I nod

"Okay. I'm almost finished with this" I say and she walks back inside and I finish up with Haymichs car.


I button up the last button on my button up shirt, two unbuttoned from the top. I'm wearing a button up shirt with black buttons and a tie, black skinny jeans, black and gold high tops and my hair styled messy. I go downstairs helping Effie and the kids set the table, I wonder who he guest is, all Effie told us was that it's a new lady at her work and is very good at fashion, that's all, no more information. Haymich told me that she does it a lot so it's always common for her to do that.

When the door bell goes off Effie walks to the door her heels clicking on the floor as she does. We hear some muffled talking and Effie comes back and my eyes widen and so does hers. Katniss... It's actually her...

"And this is Peeta. My nephew" she introduces and we shake hands but I can't keep my eyes off her

"Would you uh like me to take your jacket?" I ask and she smiles taking it off and giving it to me

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"Would you uh like me to take your jacket?" I ask and she smiles taking it off and giving it to me

"Thank you. Very gentlemen like of you" she states and I smile showing her to her seat and put her jacket on the back of her seat and I sit across from her and we start to eat

"So Katniss where you from?" Haymich asks

"I'm originally from North Carolina but when I was fourteen my family and I moved to Chicago" she explains but I still can't stop looking at her

"What got you into fashion?" He asks and she smiles

"I don't know. I guess I've always liked the idea of designing clothes and stuff like that" she answers and Effie starts going on about a story that I don't listen to I just considerate on staring at Katniss and she turns her head and smiles at me and I smile back

"I'm sorry. Do you two know each other?" Effie asks

"We danced once in a bar back in Chicago" Katniss admits

"It's a shame. Peeta leaves places quickly, he's always catching trains into different places" Effie sighs and Katniss frowns down at her plate. After we eat dessert Katniss and I sit on the back porch on the top step, hearing the crickets, stars twinkling, moon shining

"You know... If you weren't moving around so quickly then... I would let you have a chance..." She speaks up in the silence. I sadly smile

"I know but if we were to have a relationship I couldn't do it. I don't have a stable enough job..." I admit

"You can always stay with me... In my apartment..." She suggests blushing and I chuckle. She really doesn't want me to leave?

"Are you sure you want a relationship with me?" I ask and she nods and sighs

"Peeta... Since we danced I felt something... Even with my ex boyfriend... I never felt something like that... But I felt it with you and it's a good feeling. A feeling that makes me warm inside. I don't want you to leave. I want you to take me out on dates... Cuddle me. Kiss me... Please. Don't leave..." She says and I sigh

"Okay. I won't leave. We will have a relationship. I'll take you out on dates. I'll cuddle you. I'll kiss you. I won't leave. I promise" I smile and she hugs me. I can't believe it... I have my lady in red back.

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