«Baby Shower»

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A Month Later

I lay on the couch surrounded by the foods I've been craving, some are weird but taste so amazingly good, my favourite is pickles wrapped in cheddar cheese with ice cream and whipped cream stuffed inside, it is so good but Peeta doesn't think so and I know that for a fact as it makes me laugh every time I ask him to make it because it looks like he'll vomit or something and I ask for it like always after or at lunch. Today will be the baby shower, my aunties, mom, mother in-law, sister, sister in-laws and everyone who's close to me, I didn't plan any of this because I just you know couldn't be bothered, I'm pregnant with twins give me a break.

"So your forced to stay or something?" I ask as I keep getting spoon scoops of the frosting and eating it

"Yes. My sisters and sister in-laws threatened to beat me up if there were no cupcakes and if there were no cake" he smiles and I roll my eyes and go to scoop more frosting but Peeta takes the spoon

"Katniss I've had to make three runs to the store already because you've been eating the frosting" he explains as I groan in boredom

"Once with pickle juice" he states making more frosting

"Hey, pickle juice with cocktail sausages is to die for" I admit and he makes a weird face

"That sounds gross"

"It's not. You should try it sometime" I state

"I have. Yesterday when you shoved the whole thing in my mouth" he reminds and I laugh

"Oh yeah that was hilarious" I smile and he smiles shaking his head, he stops what he's doing and walks over to me

"I'm so glad I met you. You're one amazing woman Katniss" he says and I don't answer, instead I smash his lips on mine and we stand there in the kitchen just making out until the baby's kicking breaks us apart

"They're kicking" I sigh and he places his hand on my stomach and they start kicking again and he smiles

"No matter how many times I feel them kick it will never get tiring" he smiles and I do too, I then give him a soft kiss

"You're going to be the best father they'll ever have" I admit and he chuckles

"You're going to be the best mother of all time" he replies and I giggle then let him continue what he was doing before.


Soon our guests start arriving and so does the stack of presents for the babies, I've never once ever fully thought about having kids or getting married, I was too caught up on being bullied and never standing up for myself, I would take every shove, every punch, every word, I'd take it all but never defend myself, I had no friends, I had never had a boyfriend and so I thought the best solution was to run away and when I did I actually felt free but when the police found me two days later then brought me home the bulling had escalated and it was just too much to bare and I started to cause self harm which sometimes ended me in hospital but not anymore and Peeta knows all about it but the past never comes to bother me anymore, I have a man who knows what to say when I'm upset, who knows how to treat me, who knows everything about me and I love him so much that words can't express.

"So Katniss, how does it feel carrying twins?" Palma asks and I sigh laying my head against Peeta's shoulder

"Very tiring, they're kicking all the time, I need help with everything but I still love them both already" I reply

"Our baby Peeta was one of the biggest babies we ever had. He'd just feed and feed" she says

"Geez. Thanks mom" Peeta chuckles

"Oh no honey! I wouldn't have changed having you for anything! You're still a big handsome baby boy" she replies and I smile

"So will we be hearing the names of my niece and nephew?" Mary asks and I look to Peeta who smiles

"We're keeping it a secret till they're born" I reply

"Well then that leaves us all to guess the names then. Everyone will make a bet and see if anyone will get the names right" Mary replies making Peeta chuckle

"I highly doubt you'll all guess their names" he replies

"You're on big brother" Mary smirks, oh god.

Next page the babies will be here!!!!!!!

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