«The Parents House»

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~Five Months Later~

Katniss and I pack our overnight bags, her mother insisted that we sleepover night before Christmas Eve and we agreed, Katniss requested that we sleep in the same bed which took some convincing to her father but he eventually agreed. On Christmas Eve is when I'm going to ask for Katniss's fathers blessing for me to marry her, I really want him to give me his blessing cause I'd love nothing more than to marry his daughter

Just like I planned we are on the road by 7, I smile as I look across me seeing Katniss asleep she looks so peaceful... I really wouldn't want anything more than to marry her but it's up to her dad if he'll give me his blessing, I'm really nervous to be asking her father that but I have to, I want to marry her, we both want children now but we've agreed not till marriage and I think it's been long enough, seeing all the children walking into the bakery and asking for a cookie in the cookie jar... It just urges me on to have kids.


"Peeta before we go in" Katniss starts as I go to open my door and I look at her

"You'll be asked maybe a lot of questions. A specially from my dad so I warn you just don't get too scared. My dad can be quite.... Intimidating" she admits and I lean in giving her a big passionate kiss and I brake away

"I'll be fine" I reassure and she nods, we get out while grabbing our bags and we link hands and walk across the road to Katniss's parents house, we walk up the stairs and to the door were she knocks and moments later a girl about 15? Maybe 16? Answers

"Katniss!" She squeals and she lets go of my hand to hug the girl

"I missed you so much little duck!" She says kissing the top of her head as they brake away

"I know! It's been two years since I last saw you" she states and she looks to me and then to Katniss

"So Prim, this is Peeta my boyfriend. Peeta, my little sister Prim" Katniss introduces

"Hi Peeta!" She smiles extending her hand out and I take it and shake it

"Hi Prim. Pleasure to meet you" I smile

"Well come in" and Katniss and I walk in and I look around, this is a hell nice house her mom must be a good designer or something cause this house looks so amazing, we follow Prim into the kitchen were a woman is the woman stops washing dishes and drys her hands walking over with a big smile and hugs Katniss

"My, my, look at you only been two years and you've already grown up" and she turns to me

"You must be Peeta. You're talked about a lot when Katniss calls" she says making Katniss blush and I chuckle

"Nice to meet you Ma'am" I politely reply

"My goodness handsome and polite. Please call me Sarah" she gushes making Katniss roll her eyes

"Mom. Please don't embarrass me in front of my boyfriend" Katniss groans and her mother rolls her eyes, that eye rolling looks familiar, cough cough Katniss cough cough

"Okay. Fine. Now you two are sleeping in Katniss's old room" she says and Katniss nods and turns taking me with her we walk upstairs all the way to the last door on the right, we walk in and she closes the door and huffs sitting down on the bed and I sit next to her and I look around at the forest green painted walls

"Do you know why they haven't changed your room yet?" I ask and she shrugs

"They probably can't be bothered or something" she sighs laying down and I lay next to her and I turn to face her and she turns on her side and smiles rubbing my cheek with her thumb

"What do you think so far?" She asks and I smile pulling her closer

"Your mom and sister are really nice" I admit

"Just wait till you meet my dad" she says

"Why? He doesn't like you dating or something?" I ask

"Kind of. He just doesn't like guys touching his daughters" she replies looking at me through her eyelashes

"Like this?" And I slip my hand up her shirt and I give her right breast a squeeze

"Mmm. Yeah, he doesn't like it... But I do, a lot" she sighs and we kiss and that's when we hear foot steps and we quickly sit up and there's a knock before the door opens and Prim walks in holding something and I hear Katniss groan

"Here" she smiles setting it on my lap and I open it and in green writing is Katniss Cecilia Everdeen, I open the first page and its Katniss as a newborn and her father is holding her as she sleeps in her short sleeved panda onesuit, I flip the next page which has 4 Months and a bunch of Katniss at four months then we get to 1st Birthday and it's Katniss in the cutest dress in the world with cake all over her face and she's standing on the grass laughing and looking at the camera then we get to a picture of her when she was six and she's smiling, her two front teeth missing

"Oh god that's the worst" she groans and I chuckle and we keep flipping till we get to one photo which Katniss described, how she had braces and a pixie hair cut

"See I told you didn't I" she sighs and I shake my head

"You look just as stunning as you did then as you do now" I reply and she smiles blushing a little and we get to the very end which is Katniss at her high school graduation

"Prim. Why'd you bring that up here? Making me suffer" Katniss states and she shrugs

"Just thought Peeta might as well see it" she replies

"And I loved it" I say and Katniss smiles kissing my cheek

"Come downstairs. Mom needs help with making a good recipe" Prim states

"You know I can't cook" Katniss tells her sister

"But I can, and I know the perfect recipe" I reply and literally drag Katniss downstairs.

Once I finish writing down the recipe for Sarah Katniss and I sit on the porch swing outside the back and that's when a mans voice is heard and a few minutes later a man comes out and Katniss's face lights up and jumps up hugging the man

"Daddy!" She squeals as he lifts her up

"My little girl" he says and sets her down and he kisses her forehead and she brings him over and I stand up straight

"Peeta this is my dad. Dad this is my boyfriend Peeta" Katniss introduces and I extend my hand and after a few seconds he shakes it

"Hello sir" I politely greet

"So, you're the man who's kept my little girl away from us all this time huh" he says

"Dad" Katniss warns

"Dad, he's a nice guy, there's no need to scare him off" she adds but he's not scaring me he's just being a protective father, I would be acting like this if Katniss and I had a daughter

"Okay well, Katniss you know the rules, door open at all times" he orders, she goes to argue but he gives her a warning look and she doesn't say anything and he walks back inside, I hope to god her father gives me his blessing to marry Katniss.

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