Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 

"Cameron get off-" I push him off me as he nuzzles his face on my collarbone and I can feel his lips press against my skin, leaving behind a wet trail of kisses.

"Come on baby-" He stops and looks up at me with his piercing blue eyes shining, desperately in lust for my passionate reaction that would consist of me crashing my lips against his.

"Come on, we have to go- they'll be waiting for us." I explain as I shake him off and manage to get myself out of the bed. "You need to put your shirt on." I pretend to scold, but deep down, I just want to giggle; the site of him pouting with his big puppy dog eyes gets me every time, but this time, I have to stay strong and resist the urge to dive back into bed with him.

"Please baby girl, just one kiss?" His up-to-no-good lips curl into a twisted smile while his fingers scratch at his bare torso. His tan beautifully emphasizing his sculpted muscles that extends all the way above his boxer's waistline, allowing for a sneak peak of his V-line that peeks out of his trousers every time he stretches his arms upwards.

"I need to get dressed- and clearly, so do you." I moan and turn my back towards him. "Come on, put your shirt on or else."


"Why are you so late?" Ava groans as Cameron and I walk towards her hand in hand.

Her usually wavy brown hair straightened flat, falling a little below her shoulders. Her emerald eyes piercing into mine with suspicion as she twirls her manicured index finger around and around the same lock of hair. Her tightfitting black crop top shows a little part of her tummy, whilst her high waist skinny jeans hug around her waist, emphasising her itty-bitty stomach that most girls that come across her envy. She has the perfect body; average height and thin with the perfect sized waist, allowing her to flaunt any kind of tightfitting attire as well as any kind of crop tops and bikinis.

"Cameron struggled to lace his shoes-" I stutter and I can tell that just by the tone of my voice, Ava is already onto me, she knows I'm lying. After all, she knows me better than I know myself sometimes.

"Aha, sure." She crosses her arms over her breasts and looks at me with her perfectly arched eyebrow cocked high, as if saying I know why you're both late, so don't even bother lying. Therefore, I just nod awkwardly and we all sit at the table in Starbucks in unison.

Ava sits opposite me on the rectangular table with an empty seat on her right, whilst Cameron sits next to me, opposite the vacant seat. We sit for a minute or two before Cameron offers to take our preferences and order them at the bar; Ava chooses a latte while I choose a berry hibiscus refresher.

"Now that he's busy ordering-" Ava starts and shoots a glance over at Cameron who is standing tall and proud, mumbling unheard words to the barista. "Why the hell were you late?"

"You know, intimate stuff ... come on Ava, you know how he is." I defend myself and think clearly before I spill out any unnecessary words that might cause my dear friend irritation. "I'm sorry we kept you waiting." I apologise and remember "So where the hell is Logan? I don't see you making a fuss about your boyfriend being late."

"Stuck in traffic." She whispers softly as if caught red handed, her green eyes lighten and the unnecessary tension lifts.


While waiting for Logan, we all take the liberty of beginning to sip on our drinks. The cold substance of the berry hibiscus refresher sits in my taste buds and it quite reminds me of bubble gum, the kind of bubble gum that children would chew on nonstop until it became soft enough to pop the big, cloudy-pink bubble.

After a twenty-minute wait, which consisted of talking about our day, Logan arrives. His sharp facial structure, his chiselled jawline and his sunken cheekbones emphasised under the dim lighting. As he walks over he shoots us a smile and two dimples on either sides of his lips present themselves like alienated caves by the tranquil sea. As he takes the seat next to Ava he runs his fingers through his messy brown hair and flashes me his pearly whites.

"Sorry- there was traffic." He smirks and loops his arm around Ava's relatively small body frame in comparison to his. Usually, Ava looks tall to me, considering that I am petite, therefore everyone is like a giant. But next to Logan, she seems small and fragile, his broad shoulders overpowering hers.

"Bro, would you like me to get you a drink?" Cameron asks with a grin on his face, Logan simply shakes his head in denial and continues by intimately pressing his lips on Ava's rosy cheeks.

"Ava, is it okay if we leave? You know, we have things to do today and my- well you know- my brother needs picking up from his private lesson?" He explains with a silent unsure voice and once done with his false reasoning, he winks seductively at Ava who picks up on their code.

"Sure- you don't mind, do you?" She looks at me, thirsty for approval.

"No, go ahead." I nod and watch them get out of the chairs, push them slightly so that they are in place and with an exchanging of goodbyes, they leave.

"And you were mad that I wanted to be naughty." Cameron frowns but I can see his sky blue eyes glittering in mischief.

"Come on Romeo, let's go home."


Dear Lucy,

I am sincerely sorry for taking so long to write to you. I am well aware that I write without purpose, I mean, I don't think angels mail letters up to heaven. How is it up there? Is the lighting as bright and angelic as I imagine it to be? Do you have a glowing halo on the crown of your head, or do you simply wear the pyjamas you always wore at home? Is everyone nice to you up there? I hope they are, you deserve the best. I miss you terribly and it is so hard that I can't talk to you, confide in you ... hear your voice.

When one angel leaves, another arrives; I'm not sure if that is an actual saying but you get it. My Lucy, when you left this earth and went to heaven, another angel was brought into my life. Ava. I love her dearly but lately I feel like she's distant, like something is bothering her, yet she won't open up. She is my best friend Lu, I want her to tell me what pain is infested within her. I want to help her. I want to help her, I don't want to fail her the way I failed you.

Anyway, I'll let you get back to whatever duties angels do. I love you heaps and I hope we will be reunited. Once again, I am terribly sorry for failing you, I should've spoken to mum and dad, I should've told someone, anybody, I should've asked for help.

Love you lots, many kisses from down here on earth and also, don't forget, lots of bear hugs.

Love, your one and only sister,

Mia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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