Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I miss you.

But you don't miss me.

I'm hurting.

And you're the one who hurt me.

Summer and the warmth that comes along with it fades, and so does the comfort it supports and the lightness it elates. My heart is hurting and the fact that I don't see her burdens me. Pictures have been deleted with a heavy heart; accounts have been blocked with damp eyes, hugs have been missed, shares of laughter have merely become distant memories, and Ava is nothing more than just a sweet dream, but right now, a beautiful nightmare.

"Ava, please, call me back. I really need to talk to you." My heart aches and it feels like it's about to burst. I wonder how many voicemails I've left for her.

I lay my head on my pillow and the wet pillowcase stains my cheeks. I hear a knock on the door and soon enough it swings open to reveal my mum and dad standing there hand in hand.

"We need to talk to you." They announce in sync, and I realise exactly what this is. An intervention revolving around the theme: why is our precious daughter so sad?

"What now?" I exhale and sink further into my blankets.

And then it begins. Mum starts and dad interrupts by ending mum's sentences, and it goes on and on. It sounds a little like this:

Mum: We noticed you've been down-

Dad: You haven't left your room in a while-

Mum: And you've been by yourself most of the time, is everything okay?

Dad: Have you broken up with your boyfriend?

"Mum, dad, it has nothing to do with Cameron." I interrupt and the back and forth statements continue.

Mum: We also noticed Ava hasn't been round-

Dad: Is it something with Ava?

Mum: Speak to us sweetie, if something is going on and it's upsetting you, you need to let us know. We can't just guess what's wrong, we need to know, we can help you.

My heart gives up. I've been trying to keep this Ava situation just between me, myself, my heart and my brain. I've briefly explained the situation to Cameron – he doesn't understand. But I give up, I need to tell someone, I need to explain how hurt I am. I need the help.

"Mum. Dad. Ava and I, we aren't exactly on good terms. There's been a misunderstanding that has torn apart the friendship we shared. And it hurts, it hurts more than you could possibly imagine."


After my talk with my mum and dad, which basically went along the lines of:

Mum: Sweetie, I knew it. That girl was trouble. She can't have possibly abandoned your friendship just because you didn't tolerate a joke, or because you needed her more than she needed you. It's not your fault, and the only time I will ever be mad at you in relation to this is if you ever tell my it's your fault, because honestly, it is all her fault.

Dad: Honey, I know I told you to be careful of boys who might break your heart. I guess I never saw it coming that such a dear friend could ever cause you so much heartache. But truthfully, the fact that I didn't see it coming is silly. I've been through that, a friend abandoning me during silly issues, a friendship that was supposed to last for a long time. But just because Ava's and yours might not last, it doesn't mean you won't have more to come. Dry your tears and take a breath of fresh air.

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