Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

June 2014

The summer breeze is soft and calm in the dark sky. The diamond stars twinkling as the moon shines gracefully by their side. Girls in fancy dresses twirling underneath the dancing fairy lights while boys in casual outfits stand in a huddle with multiple shots of Vodka burning their throats.

"Come on baby- let's boogie." A drunken guy drags a girl to the dance floor, his firm grip leading the girl all the way, spinning and twirling her around in a dizzy frenzy.

Mia shyly walks, self conscious about the fact that she is attending the party dateless. Her only company would be Ava, but this time, she would not have Ava's complete attention considering recent events. Ava is the kind of girl that can wrap any guy around her little finger, if she asks for one guy to ask her out, hundreds will swarm around her begging. So tonight, would probably be a disaster Mia thought. She considered sitting at the table and text Lucy, to occupy herself and prevent unnecessary pity, bearing in mind that she is an outcast at the hottest party of the year.

"Mia, you look stunning." Ava squeals enthusiastically as she spots her timid best friend.

"Thank you but you're the one who is drop dead gorgeous." Mia genuinely admires Ava who is wearing a long black dress. Her silky brown hair curled into a formal bun while a few curls fall elegantly along her temples. Her big red lips curl into a smile while her green eyes twinkle an identical shine with the stars.

"Don't be so hard on yourself." Ava nudges Mia's shoulder slightly, but the slightest push allows for Mia to stumble backwards in her heels and before she realises, she finds her back bumping into someone. And just like that, she cringes, embarrassed at the fact that already, this party is a disaster.

"I'm so, so sorry." Mia whispers, her voice almost breaking as she turns around to find the stranger that she has clumsily thumped into.

"It's alright love." He smiles down at her and extends his hand, taking her in his, helping fragile Mia to steady herself and stand on her own two feet without collapsing down onto the grass.

"Girls and heels, huh?" Ava giggles behind them as she notices the sparks flying between the mysterious guy and her best friend.

"I know you." The stranger smirks at Mia and she can feel her heart screaming against her chest with delight. "You're Mia, am I right?"

"Yeah- how did you?" She pauses and looks at him with a closer observation. And the thought strikes her. Cameron. Logan's best friend, as known as one of the hottest guys in school. Also known as a heartbreaker. But that doesn't matter since he is a sweetheart. The way he smiles at her, the way he helped her steady her posture after her reckless fall- her heart is cheering; her stomach feels like it is suddenly attacked with hysterical butterflies, desperately fluttering their wings, begging to fly and set off.

"You are in my school after all." He winks at her and her stomach does somersaults.

"Yeah-" She swoons.

"I have to get back-," He points back at his ridiculous drunken friends that are slurring love song lyrics while dancing like toddlers would. "Can't leave them alone too long." He chuckles at the sight of his friends. Mia understandably nods at him while unconsciously twirling a strand of her hair, her eyes lost in his.

"Sure." She feels her eyes form hearts but she doesn't care in the moment.

"Nice to officially meet you love." He beams and walks away; his dirty blonde hair that is usually messed up and casual in school now in a careful quiff. His sapphire eyes disappearing the further he walks away and his tan skin fading once he is out of sight.

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