Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A week has passed since I confronted Logan. An entire week spent scheming the perfect revenge. Ava sits on the chair by her desk and scribbles notes in her notepad and every five minutes, I hear her scrunch it up like it means nothing and she proceeds by aiming at the bin by the door and tosses it. And with her arm bended and the flick of her wrist, it reminds me of a basketball game, someone who is trying to win the game, hungry for victory, which could only be accomplished with the right skill to effortlessly throw the ball in the hoop.

"I got nothing." She rolls around in her desk chair to look at me.

"Me neither." I sigh, her emerald eyes sinking into mine with despair. "During the time you've been with him, haven't you spotted his weakness?"

"Well, whenever a guy texted me, he got real jealous and clingy." She lights up, but just like that, her smile and shine vanishes "But he obviously wouldn't care now."

"True." I twist and turn the ballpoint pen in my hand, trying to activate my brain to think efficiently. What could we do to hurt him?

"I have an idea!" Her sad green eyes turn light and cheery, her dimples pop as she beams angelically "I'll make out with his best friend." She says with a twisted smile.

"That's too harsh." I whisper in attempt to knock some sense into her. Falling onto his level, making out with his best friend? Making out with his best friend will make her a worse monster than him. However, on the bright side, it will hurt him.

"I'm going to do it." She sings enthusiastically as if she has just discovered what the meaning of life is. "I'm going to call him right now and set up a date." She winks and grabs her phone and continues by tapping her white manicured nails on the lifeless screen.


The flaming sun is sitting in the ocean blue sky, its rays sweating heat at the passing -almost transparent- clouds that swim around. The park is laborious in this weather. Trickles of sweat roll down my temples all the way down to the side of my neck. I can feel my forehead and under eyes burn and I assume they must be as red as a ripe tomato. Ava is walking towards me, unaware of the scorching hot sun that sucks away life itself; the squirrels hiding in holes in the tree, hyperactive children and their exhausted mothers sitting coolly at home with a refreshing ice cream at hand, dogs laying on their backs while their feet and tongue stick up underneath the shade of the trees' leaves. Meanwhile, Ava struts her body, like a model would walk down the runway, completely oblivious of the heat wave.

"Hey." She sings; her pearly whites flaunting as she shoots me a smile.

"So how was the date?" I raise my eyebrows in curiosity as she joins to sit next to me on the wooden bench with delicate carvings of different types of flowers.

"Well, thankfully, as I predicted, Logan was also there. So, when I made out with you know, well let's just say some fists were raised." She winks and fires a sinister lopsided smile.


"I can't believe she actually did that." Cameron's captivating eyes grow big in shock, his mouth widely open in disbelief while he runs his fingers through his dirty blond hair.

"So, Logan told you huh?" I find myself asking, curiosity getting the best out of me.

"He's my friend babe. Just because Ava and he have problems, doesn't mean I can't keep contact." He explains as if he is enlightening why one plus one equals two to a toddler.

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