Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

June 2014

"MIA! THAT IS MY DRESS!" Her roars echo through the thin walls, piercing through Mia's ears, shooting into her eardrums and causing panic to thunder inside her body.

She looks down at the dress and tries to ignore the screams. After all, tonight was going to be a heck of a party. The hottest guy in school invited her and she needed something worthy enough to twirl around in. The black skater dress that fitted perfectly, hugging every part of her body just the way she liked. She looks in the mirror and frowns sceptically, debating whether she should take the high road and give her sister her dress back, or simply be rebellious and allow her sister to throw a tantrum.

"Please, Logan invited me and tonight is the night. Ava and I are so desperate to look good- please let me wear your dress, oh please!" She cries desperately, kneeling on the floor, her eyes set on her sister's heels while begging for forgiveness, meanwhile hoping that her sister would have a change of heart and allow her to wear her dress.

"Fine, but take care of it." Lucy sighs and touches Mia's shoulder, gesturing for her that her pleading act as a beggar is over, that she could get up from her knees and finish up her hair and makeup.

"I promise." Mia's eyes twinkle as she stands up straight and looks straight into Lucy's eyes; the very same eyes that she would miss for years to come.

"Thank you. Now, let me fix your hair." Lucy gestures for Mia to sit at the edge of the bed while she heads towards the dressing table to dig in the drawers for the flat iron.

Slumping her body onto the bed she can feel the mattress sink along and she immediately starts thinking that her body is too heavy, too hideous and not as model-like as she'd hoped. Second doubts rush through her mind; does the dress hug her stomach a little too tight? Does it emphasise parts that are unappealing? Her head is rushing and she feels like drowning, the insecurities in her head eating her alive. And the fact that her sister (who basically does not differ from a Victoria Secret angel) stands right in front of her rummaging through the drawers for the tool to perfect her average looking brown hair, does not help make her feel any better.

Her sister stands in a posed and elegant manner while accomplishing the simplest of a task. Her soft jet-black hair flows down her back in endless beach waves and as she turns around- to reveal that she has found the flat iron- her icy blue eyes pop out against the black tangles that fall past her shoulders.

"I think I'm going to change." Mia frowns as Lucy walks behind her and pierces the plug into the socket, allowing for the iron to heat up just enough.

"Why, you look gorgeous in my dress." Lucy smiles genuinely, truly admiring her sister's beauty; the beauty that Mia was always unable to see. "You need to accept your beauty love, it's so unfair."

"I don't know, I feel chubby." Mia explains, exasperation filling her voice as she pinches down at the fabric where her supposedly chubby stomach lives. "I just want to look perfect." And with that said, Lucy hears the truth.

"You are, come on Mia- can't you see how beautiful you are." She whispers reassuringly as she carefully places the flat iron on the floor so that she can freely approach her sister. "Look at yourself through your eyes, and tell me what you see." Lucy continues and places her arms firmly on Mia's shoulder, giving them a calming squeeze.

"I see someone who is shy- incredibly. Doesn't speak her mind, let's people walk over her, someone who is not capable of having love. Someone who is ugly, terribly hideous- disgusting actually." She blurts the words one after the other like a train speeding against the tracks, just heading towards the big crash. "I see a girl." She pauses and her voice breaks, her bottom lip starts quivering and she takes a deep breath in, preparing herself to continue the wretched thought that has been eating away at her.

"What is it?" She kisses the crown of her sister's head.

"I see a girl- a girl that no guy will ever love-" And the tears flow, rushing down her cheeks like a river, a waterfall crashing as it reaches rock bottom. "No one will ever love a girl like me Lucy-" She looks up at her sister with pearl like tears stringed like beads at her eyelashes, desperately clinging for life.

"Honey-" Lucy whispers warmly "Do you know what I see?"


"I see a beautiful girl- inside out. Starting from the inside. I see a girl that is filled with kindness, the type of kindness that so many people lack, the very same kindness that could make the world a better place. A girl with a great sense of humour, someone who can make you crack up in tears of laughter, stomach-hurting kind of laughter, breath-taking even. You are someone who will listen, you are loyal and trustworthy, anybody would be lucky to have you. And don't get me started about your strength. You are the pillar of this family, without you, it'll all come crumbling down." Lucy justifies while Mia sniffles, trying to hold back the tears that are screaming and pounding to be released.

"Now, for the outside. You have the cutest button nose-" And with that, Lucy pinches Mia's nose, the kind of pinch that a parent would do at their new born child's cheeks. "You have the best lips out of us all- you have to know mum and I are beyond jealous. They are just so kissable." And so, Lucy proceeds by adorably pinching Mia's plump rosy lips. "Your eyes, those emerald green stars, ah, they are breath taking. Trust me, any guy could get lost in them. And come on, you are as thin as a stick, and I'm not saying that in a demeaning way. You have the perfect body, your waist is tiny, your legs are so delicate and if anything- you are far from chubby." And finally, she ends her speech by pinching Mia's cheeks and shaking her head while at it.

"I love you." Mia finally smiles.

"I love you too baby girl. I really do." Lucy beams as a single tear rolls down her cheek. "I love you to the moon and back." She whispers and holds her sister's hand in hers, their fingers interlacing. And just like that, the sign Mia had missed, the sign that could have prevented everything. The gesture intoxicated Mia just enough to be completely oblivious of the problem standing, the problem that her sister had hidden so well. The same problem that would cause Mia's life to eventually, crash and burn up in flames. 

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