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adrianna loved  basketball. she spent any free time she had playing basketball. her tall, muscular figure helped her make the varsity girl's team for her high school with a well recognized athletics department. she had managed to mold her life around basketball. she only ever wore her school colors: green and gold - which contrasted nicely with her orange hair and ghost-white skin, she always had some kind of team merch on her being - whether it be a bag or a hair tie,  and rather than spending her nights watching "tv shows for the simple mind" as she called them, she spend her nights watch basketball on the small tv that adorned the dresser in her room. she didn't really have friends besides her teammates, her neighbor - claudia, and her other neighbor - michael. michael barely counted though, considering that she never saw him anymore. 

adrianna lived in a small town next to the warwick river in virginia. her town was very small, most people knew each other, and she certainly couldn't go out without seeing somebody she knew. even though her school spirit exceeded many other people's, adrianna couldn't wait to get out of her small town. she believed her town to be behind in culture and she absolutely despised the amount of homophobia that leaked from it's citizens. her town was not accepting. it wanted cookie cutter houses, cookie cutter people, cookie cutter couples, and cookie cutter personalities. as soon as someone stepped outside of their cookie cutter shape they were nearly shunned by the entire town. 

adrianna never wanted to believe that her town would be like this when she was older, but as soon as her friend, michael clifford, became a disgrace to the town and their high school, adrianna realized that there was nothing she'd ever be able to do to change her "perfect" little town. she wanted something different than sunday morning services and football parties and dinner parties, she wanted to move to a city, she wanted to be accepted, so adrianna knew that as soon as she threw her cap up in the air on graduation day, she'd be out of there before somebody could  say "god hates gays". 

but, alas, adrianna's senior year hadn't even started yet and the only thing adrianna had to keep herself going was the fact that in a year she'd be out of her town and somewhere else in the country: la, new york city, philadelphia, boston, seattle, chicago, anywhere where there was a city and anywhere that wasn't her town. 

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