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qotc: what's  your favorite dessert?

aotc: brownies yo!!!

adrianna had left michael's house shortly after he had told her that he broke up with luke. he had done it last night after adrianna had fallen asleep. he probably figured she would object to it, so he did it before she could object. 

she headed straight for the basketball courts after learning that claudia was out of town. she knew playing basketball would help her clear her mind.

she wasn't sure what she was expecting to come out of hooking up with michael. he told her he wanted a relationship and she told him the same.  she knew she was hurting luke and she knew nothing good would happen to michael and luke's relationship afterwards, but she did it anyway.

once she arrived she immediately noticed the one thing that could possibly make her day worse. 

"ooh, adrianna. you're not looking too hot? i heard you got dumped by molly partridge," calum hood walked up to adrianna with a sly look on his face. adrianna groaned.

"fuck off," she muttered, sitting on the bench next to the courts.

"i'm just relaying facts, adri," he ruffled her hair, "molly has been talking my ear off for the past three weeks."

"why has molly been talking to you?"

"because you 'tricked her into coming out and caused her to loose all her friends just to turn out straight in the end'," calum quoted.

"well, molly has a right to be pissed at me, so," adrianna trailed off, tracing the lines on her basketball.

"so, you are straight? molly was just an experiment?" calum pried. 

"calum hood," adrianna turned to him, "if i was actually straight, why would i have come out last night?"

"attention?" he shrugged.

"well, fuck you. i'm bisexual, that's that," adrianna attempted to push calum off the bench, but he wouldn't budge.

"molly said otherwise. she said that you've sworn off girls," he traced adrianna's jawline with his finger, trying to get her attention.

"i don't know why she would've said that, i've never said anything like that to her," adrianna snapped, looking angrily at calum's finger. it was true that she had sworn off girls, but she didn't know how molly would've known. 

"but is it true, adrianna? are you part of the stereotype that creates biphobia? you cheat on your girlfriend with a boy, you date straight? or are you just a lipstick lesbian?"

"i don't want to deal with you right now, calum," adrianna stood up, but calum grabbed onto her arm and pulled her back down onto the bench. this time much closer to him than she was before.

"you should just accept it, fields. you're not bisexual, you never were, molly was an experiment," his grip on adrianna tightened.

"this may come as a surprise to you, hood , but not all of us are as mean spirited as you. i would never date someone for multiple months just to experiment. i don't know how molly has brainwashed you, but she's a biphobic little bitch. so, i don't want to deal with you or her or anybody else she has in her little cult," adrianna seethed. 

"molly doesn't have a cult. she's a dyke. do you even live in this town, adrianna?"

"now you're being homophobic," adrianna got up.

"oh, no. you've got it wrong, adrianna. i'm not homophobic, i know the way this town works. god hates gays, gays don't have people working for them to do their dirty work. anyway, i feel like it's a bit ironic to be a phobic of your own people, don't you?" 

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