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qotc: do you play any instruments?

aotc: i play guitar, ukulele, clarinet, and piano

"i missed the fuck out of you!" claudia ran up to adrianna, engulfing her in a hug. 

"claudia! hi, when did you get back?" adrianna asked her, grabbing claudia's schedule from her hands to check if they had any of the same classes. 

"yesterday,  but i was getting unpacked and ready for school, i would've called, but i was really busy," claudia said, looking over adrianna's shoulder eagerly.

"we have ap bio together," adrianna smiled. 

"thank goodness! i didn't want to be stuck with a bunch of science nerds all year," claudia sighed in relief, grabbing her schedule from adrianna and sticking it in her backpack. "so, anything exciting happen over the summer? any romances?"

"no, claudia, you know me. i don't do romance," adrianna laughed. claudia shook her head. she was continuously trying to set adrianna up with cute boys on the basketball team because they "shared interests" but adrianna was never interested. "how about you? any summer romances?"

"yes, actually. one of my childhood friends got super hot. we dated for the second half of the summer, but then i had to leave," claudia told her, unlocking her locker.

"aw, that sucks that it couldn't continue," adrianna leaned against the wall.

"not really, i wasn't that into him," claudia shrugged, "but there was this one really cute boy who i wished i had dated instead. he was so nice and he played the guitar. a musician, adrianna! a musician," claudia whined.

"you and your boys," adrianna shook her head.

"i'm making up for your lack of involvement with boys," claudia defended. she looked at adrianna skeptically.

"what?" adrianna asked, irritated. 

"why don't you ever talk about boys or go out with boys?" claudia asked, as if adrianna's top priority should be boys.

"because i'm focused on college and basketball and school, i don't have time for boys," adrianna explained.

"you're so uptight. listen, i'm throwing a halloween party, you're invited. bring a date. and if you don't, i'll set you up with someone there," claudia laughed.

"okay, okay. i should be able to find a date to a party that's in two months."

"michael doesn't count, he's gay," claudia pointed out.

"fine, i'll find a straight date," adrianna said indignantly. 


adrianna was sat at her and claudia's usual lunch table. claudia had to walk from the other side of the school to get to lunch, so adrianna expected her to be late, so adrianna busied herself with her phone. 

she hadn't seen michael yet that day, she wasn't even sure if he was in school, but she had heard people talking about him. she wasn't sure if it was because he was here or because he hadn't returned. claudia sat down as adrianna looked around the cafeteria for michael.

"who are you looking for?"  claudia asked.

"uh, michael," adrianna said absently, turning around to face claudia. 

"oh! he's in my first period,  he got hotter, it's a shame he's gay," claudia said.

"he hates when people say that," adrianna pointed a fork at claudia.

"he's not here," claudia shrugged.

"did you look at any colleges when you were in philadelphia?" adrianna asked, stabbing her fork into her salad. 

"yeah, a few. there's so many up there, but i think i'd rather stay down here. i love philly, but this is my home now and i want to be close to my brothers as the grow up," claudia shrugged. claudia had two younger twin brothers. they were nice boys and adrianna knew that claudia loved them dearly; it made sense that she wanted to stay nearby. adrianna didn't have anything keeping her in virginia. "what about you? have you looked at any colleges?"

adrianna sighed, "my parents made me look at william & mary and then they brought me down to the university of tennessee because they have a good basketball team there, but i was more interested in going up north.  i have a few meetings with the head girl's coaches at notre dame, northwestern, and seton hall, but i don't know if i'm good enough to play in division I."

"of course you are, you're a goddess at basketball!" claudia reassured her.

"hey guys," michael sat down at the table. claudia looked at him blankly.

"hi," adrianna said, eyeing up the bag of chips in michael's hand. 

"it's weird seeing you here," claudia said awkwardly, "it's been so long."

"yeah, i guess," michael shrugged and then rolled his eyes at adrianna's gaze directed towards his chips. he handed the bag to her. 

"i'm glad that you're like, out, and stuff. i think that's good that you're being yourself," claudia stuttered. 

"thanks?" michael said, though it came out as more of a question.

"i don't mean to be awkward, it's just that so much has changed. i'm not homophobic, i promise."

"i trust you," michael laughed, grabbing the opened bag of chips back from adrianna. she let out a little whine, but went back to her salad rather than fighting michael for some corn chips. 

"so, anyway. what's new with you, clifford?"

oh boy i have to go my mom is waiting for me but woopdeedoo here's a chapter it's not that good but ooooo gay shit is happening next chapter so that should make up for this shitty one

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mary elizabeth

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