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oh hi

qotc: do you have to do summer assignments?

aotc: sadly yes, and i haven't started but i still have 44 days so i'm aight.

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august had just become and the back-to-school commercials and advertisements were in full swing. this had gotten adrianna to think about her summer assignments that she was putting off until the last week of august. but, since she was grounded for "sympathizing for gays", she figured that she could start the assignments early. her parents were hesitant to let her out of the house to go to the park, but after a lot of pleading,  adrianna made her way to the park with 2 textbooks, a notebook, and a pencil. 

she chose a picnic table that was set away from everything. the sound of kids laughing and screaming sounded as if they were miles away, but adrianna knew that the wind was muffling the sounds coming from the playground that was only a couple feet away from her. she looked down at her work and sighed, opening up the biology textbook.  she couldn't seem to concentrate on the words on the page. she had already taken biology once and she didn't even want to take ap biology, but her parents told her that she needed it to boost her gpa. adrianna always seemed to be doing what her parents wanted. after fifteen minutes of trying to concentrate on meiosis, adrianna heard grass rustling behind her, she turned around to see michael leaning against a tree, watching her.

"you're a creep," adrianna said blankly, closing her biology textbook. 

"well, i didn't want to interrupt your," michael paused and looked down at her notebook, pictures of flowers and dogs were drawn there, "doodling?" 

"i'm supposed to be doing ap work," she muttered stacking her notebook on top of her biology textbook. 

"you're doing a good job. dogs and flowers are both living things, i'm sure you can pass the ap test with a 5 if you know that," michael joked. 

"you're kind of an asshole," adrianna laughed lightly. 

"well, how would you like me to act after you came to my house and started sobbing at 3am and then didn't make an effort to see me again for two weeks?" michael raised his eyebrows. 

"sorry, my parents grounded me for defending your gayness," she shrugged. 

"that's harsh as fuck!" michael laughed, "no offense, but you're parents are nutjobs."

"michael, everybody in this town is a nutjob if you're definition of 'nutjob' is homophobe," adrianna rolled her eyes. in the corner of her eye she saw long blonde hair and tan skin. molly. "well, maybe not everybody."

"what are you looking at?" michael turned his head to where adrianna was looking, but saw nothing that would've caught adrianna's attention. 

"so, what have you been up to these past two weeks?" adrianna asked him, ignoring his question. adrianna looked at molly as she laughed artificially at something abigail had said. abigail was a tall skinny girl with long, shiny, black hair. she was half asian and she was gorgeous. it was too bad that she was an absolute spoiled brat. she had never worked for anything in her life and gotten everything. her dad was a ceo of some kind of electronics company. the taos seemed to be millionaires. "good for them" adrianna's parents always said, "but money doesn't buy happiness. you know that, don't you adrianna?"  adrianna always envied abigail and her perfect life and perfect hair and perfect body and perfect face, but deep down, something in adrianna felt bad. she always saw how insecure abigail was with herself. always making jokes about people the minute they seemed to one-up her. adrianna could tell that abigail wanted to be the "it" girl, but when molly's family moved to town when molly was in  ninth grade, she instantly took the spot. her california girl aesthetic mixed with her down-to-earth personality stole the hearts of most of the school's residents. abigail jumped on the opportunity to befriend the cool girl while she was still nice. taylor followed abigail wherever she went like some kind of sheep, so since the day abigail befriended molly, the three were nearly inseparable. it made adrianna wonder why molly was only at the park with abigail and not abigail and taylor. 

"i've been seeing someone, kind of," michael told her, but adrianna wasn't really paying attention. she was too busy looking at molly. she noticed the little glint in her blue eyes when she smiled, adrianna wondered how bright her eyes would be if she was smiling for real. "adrianna? what could possibly be more interesting than my love - well more like sex life?"

"you've been sleeping around?" adrianna asked.

"well, i've been sleeping...with the same person - multiple times a week," michael explained.

"oh, so like," adrianna's eyes drifted over molly's nose - it had a little upwards slant at the end, adrianna thought it was adorable,  "friends with benefits?"

"yes, but with more romance," michael said, starting to get irritated at adrianna's disconnectedness.

"so like, you're kind of seeing someone, but the two of you are mostly just fucking?" adrianna clarified, looking at molly's lips. a pink lip gloss was spread over them today.

"pretty much," michael shrugged. adrianna moved her eyes down to molly's neck and collarbone. "who are you eye-fucking right now? seriously adrianna, you're not being discreet at all."  michael said, fed up. he followed adrianna's eyes to molly partridge. "you are so gay."

"shut the fuck up," adrianna slapped him. 

"she's hot, i don't blame you," michael held up his hands in defense.

"who are you sleeping with?" adrianna asked him, ignoring his comment.

"i don't kiss and tell, but i will let you know,  i've always been into blondes, and let's just say i'm currently very happy with my hook-up," he wiggled his eyebrows. 

"so,  he's a blonde?" adrianna questioned, looking at molly's long blonde hair. the wavy strands were tossed over her shoulder, it looked so soft-

"adri, i don't care that you have a huge crush on a girl, but do you maybe want to talk to me about it instead of just thinking about it while i try to talk to you?" michael said in disbelief. 

"no, i don't really want to talk about it," she shook her head. 

"whatever," michael rolled his eyes, "and yes, he's a blonde and he's very cute - and very good in bed."

"i'm happy for you, michael, i am genuinely happy for you, i hope it works out," adrianna grabbed his hands and shook her head, trying to keep her eyes on michael and off of molly. 

"i can't believe you even ever questioned if you were gay."

"oh shit, she's looking this way," adrianna blushed. molly waved and smiled at adrianna. adrianna waved back nervously.

"wow, a wave, you guys should get married now-" adrianna cut off michael y shoving a crumpled piece of paper in his mouth. 

"i really can't deal with you right now."

oh boy am i back.

i have been so inspired to write for the past few days so expect some p frequent updates.

tho i am going to the beach tomorrow and tuesday so maybe not updates then.

oh also, if you read mr. punk rock, you know i used to do these things in the author's notes where i summed up the chapter and people seemed to like them so i'm gonna start doing them here. 

so basically

adrianna is like "molly is so hot holy fuck"

michael is like "these gay ass bitches smh"

anyway i'm so glad to be writing this again. i have some p fun things going on in some chapters coming up

do you ship madrianna/modrianna/madry?  even tho there's not really anything there yet??? let me tf  know !!!

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xoxoxo mary elizabeth.

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