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qotc: what is the last song you listened to?

aotc: boxing day by blink 182

"you told me i didn't have to worry. you told me you wouldn't cheat on me with a boy," molly said quietly, turning to face adrianna who stood like a deer in headlights in her doorway. "you told me being bisexual wouldn't affect our relationship, that i was the only one you wanted! you lied, adrianna, and don't try to give me some kind of bullshit excuse because i saw it. i know you kissed him, you initiated it, he was the one who had to stop it, i saw it all adrianna!" molly yelled.

adrianna looked at her, tears streaming down her face, crossing over the old tear stains and making new ones. "i didn't mean to-"

"how do you not mean to? how do you accidentally kiss someone adrianna?  you don't! you kissed him, you knew what you were doing. i can't believe i was never suspicious of you always hanging out with him! of course you had feelings for him! you're bisexual you like boys too! how could i have been so stupid?" molly looked at her angrily.

"stop acting like me being bisexual is a curse!" 

"but it is, because you kissed him. you told me not to worry about boys, you told me it didn't make a difference. but you're a bisexual whore! you're a bisexual liar! admit it, fucking admit it!"

"bisexual isn't a dirty word, so stop fucking acting like it! this has nothing to do with me being bisexual. this has something to do with me having feelings. that could've been a girl, too. you wouldn't be  blaming my bisexuality for that," adrianna fumed.

"but, this is your bisexuality adrianna! this is what it is! you didn't want to come out because you could still date boys and be happy, you just wanted to pretend to be straight so you didn't have to deal with what being gay gets you in this town!"

"are you fucking dumb, molly? how many times do i have to tell you. my parents would fucking kick me out, my family wouldn't talk to me. your family threw you a fucking party when  you came out, you get thrown a party, i get thrown out, get that through your thick head," adrianna shouted.

"you act like being a lesbian is easy! have you not met anybody in this town? i can't show my face in church, i can't go to the mall without being harassed, there are boys who have tried to turn me back to straight. stop acting like you're life is so much harder than mine because you're parents are dickheads," molly huffed.

"you still have a place to live-"

"it doesn't matter. i tried not to make it seem so, so you'd be happy, but my life has been hell since i came out. you didn't want to deal with what i have to deal with so you wouldn't come out. i wanted us to be happy! i wanted you to be happy and you just treat me like shit!"

"you're not being fair-"

"no, adrianna, you were never fair. i put myself out there for you. you had a crush on me too, but i was the one who put myself out there, you could've laughed in my face for all i had known. i lost my friends, i lost everything except for my family when i came out, i risked everything for us, and you risked nothing," molly seethed.

"you don't understand-"

"i do understand adrianna! i do! being gay was just a senior year thing for you. you were never serious about us! you were going to go off to college and find a boyfriend and marry him because you can! because you have that privilege," molly bit her lip.

"you're the most biphobic person i've ever met," adrianna breathed. "get out, just leave."

"whatever," molly huffed, pushing past adrianna.

adrianna heard the front door slam. adrianna walked over to her desk and closed the blinds.

she sat down in her chair and put her head in her hands. she didn't know what to do.

she swore that she had ruined her relationship with michael by kissing him and she had definitely ruined her relationship with molly. claudia would have no sympathy for her when she heard the story.

adrianna felt alone. so, she cried. she had never been this upset about losing a basketball game or her grandparents dying or not being allowed to see michael. she had never been more upset in her life. and even though it wasn't right, she blamed it on molly. she blamed all the pain on molly.

adrianna swore to herself that she would never date a girl again, because molly was right, adrianna did have the privilege to just go off and marry a boy, and adrianna would take advantage of that if she could. 

i'm on a roll with updating tbh

so of course these are not my views on bisexuality i'm just putting some biphobia out there and yeah

i really don't have much to say

i'm sorry this is short but i didn't really plan for anything else to happen in this chapter so yea

do you agree with molly or adrianna?? let me knowwww

okay i'm not updating anymore today tho, but i will update tomorrow :)))

xoxoxo mary elizabeth

gay ➳ m.c. auDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora