Capturing the King

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You had to admit that you were slightly surprised Negan was agreeing to this deal. Part of you had taunted him with taking you outside in hopes that he would back down on the bet, or at least lower the stakes. Apparently he was as good at turning down a challenge as you were.

Negan lifted a hand and held it out in front of him across the table. At your look of confusion, he stated, "I'm sure your word is as good as mine, but a deal isn't a deal unless you've shook on it."

Lifting your own hand, you reached across the table and clasped his hand firmly. You tried not to notice how warm and rough his hand was against yours. For someone who wore gloves most of the time, he still had some callouses on his fingers that caused a small thrill to go through you. His hand was so large that it enveloped yours almost completely, reminding you on a purely primal level how much stronger and more powerful than you he was. The thought caused a small fission of fear, which only served to further increase your arousal. Dear Jesus, am I developing a fear kink now as well?!

Jerking your hand back a little more abruptly than necessary, you put it in your lap and resisted the urge to wipe it on your thigh in a vain attempt to remove the residual warmth from his touch. Instead you refocused on the chess board, picking up one of the ivory pawns and looking at the delicately carved details before setting it back down and pushing it forward one square to kick off the game.

Negan responded by picking up one of his knights, jumping it over his line of pawns and putting it in the front, as if leading the charge.

Deciding to play it safe for now, you moved another pawn one space forward. Negan also moved a pawn, and it went this way for a few more moves, the little onyx and ivory chessmen slowly coming out of their starting positions.

"Where did you find the board?" you asked while moving your bishop a few diagonal spaces forward.

"One of my men found it on a supply run. Fucker was going to throw it in the useless pile until I told him I'd use it to fucking bash his head in if he didn't pack it into the van."

Startled, you looked at Negan's face to see if he was joking, but his expression gave nothing away.

Smirking at your response, he taunted, "You might wanna work on your game face, doll. Otherwise this is going to be even easier than I anticipated."

Scowling at his mockery, you forced tense facial features to relax before turning your attention back to the board, vowing that he wouldn't get another reaction out of you until the game was over.

You watched as he reached out to move his knight again, his hand tan and masculine with a light dusting of dark hair on the back. They were hands that could ruthlessly beat a man to death or command a whole compound with one wave. But they were also hands that that could gently peel a band aid off your finger or delicately move chess pieces. Hands that could run teasingly across your soft flesh or wrap dangerously tight around your throat. There were so many juxtapositions to the man sitting across from you, and the more sides you discovered, the more captivated and seduced you became.

Moving your queen a few spaces to the right, but still keeping her within close proximity to the king, you divulged, "I always found the rules of this game so interesting."

"How so?" he asked, knocking out one of your pawns and adding it to his increasing pile of ivory captives.

"Well, the king can only move one space at a time, while the queen can move as far as she wants. Yet, it's the king who determines how long the game lasts. I always wondered why the king is considered the most important piece, when the queen is obviously the one with the most power."

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