"You need help"

484 26 15

"Daniel! Can you come here for a second? I need to talk to you!"
Dan sighed taking his eyes off his phone and looking at the door. He looked back at his phone and plugged in his earphones and blasted some 'Fall out Boy'.
Scrolling through tumblr, he started humming along to the song.
"We're going downtown like a merry go round and sugar we're going down swinging"
*text message from: mom*
Daniel please come down I've been calling for you.
Dan sighed and rolled his eyes. He took out his earphones and shoved his phone in his back pocket. He walked downstairs to see his parents sitting down and looking at him.
"What do you want?" He snapped.
"Dan please sit down." His dad said patting the seat next to him. Dan sighed and sat down.
"Dan? Are you okay?" His mother asked. Dan stiffened and glared.
"Yeah Why?"
Dans mom looked at his father with worried eyes.
"Uh me and your mother have noticed a change in your attitude.. We've noticed that you don't want to go out as much or talk as much as you used to."
Dan looked at them with anger and confusion.
"What do you know about me? You're never there to notice anything you guys are always too busy with work!"
Dans mother sighed.
"Dan honey, we've..... Me and your father has seen your arms, we saw your scars..."
Dans eyes widened and he immediately pulled the sleeve of his black jumper over his wrist.
"So..." Dan said looking down.
"Dan you obviously dont or won't listen to us, so we thought maybe. Another family could help you."
Dan looked up confused.
"What do you mean?" He asked looking at his dad.
"Well your school has this foreign exchange student program and me and your mother signed you up for it. For you to get help and get out for a little."
Dan sighed, he's been wanting to get out for a while but he never had the money to.
"How long is it and where would I go?"
"Um I'm pretty sure it's a year, and you'd be going to Florida in America and living with the Lester family, we've talked to them already they have a son too."
Dan looked at them both and sighed
"I'll do it then." He said looking down. He didn't get mad because he knew that they really wanted him to get help and they were genuinely worried. His mom perked up was suprised that Dan didn't argue that he didn't want to go.
"Okay then. You'll be leaving in 5 days." His dad said standing up "come on I'll help you pack."
Dan nodded and got up following his dad up the stairs.
"Okay I'll be back I'm going to get a couple of suitcases." His dad said walking out of the room.
Dan nodded and waited for his dad to walk out of the room. He pulled up the sleeve of his jumper and traced a finger up his arm where multiple scars and bruises were trailed on it.
He sighed.
"Alright I got some." His dad said walking into the room. Dan jumped and pulled down his sleeve and turned around.
"Okay let's get started." He smiled.

Dan layed in bed that night thinking of the family that he'd be living with for a year. He wondered what they'd be like.
Are they mean? Nice? Those parents who care too much? Or don't care at all?
Then he started thinking about their son. What would he be like? Nice? Mean? Good or bad boy attitude? Is he cute?
Dan knew he was bi for a long time, he told his parents they didn't mind, but his school did. Everyday someone had to tease him or even beat him up about it. He didn't understand why they did it, he's just a normal person, but I guess he was considered a freak. He laid on his back and closed his eyes
I guess I'll know what they're like in 4 days.

Authors note:
I swear the story will get better!

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