Welcome to america

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Dan felt the beams of the sun slowly sink into his room and creep onto his face.
"Daniel! Your flight leaves in a couple of hours! Get ready."
Dan groaned in pain holding his stomach remembering yesterday's activities with Mark and opened his eyes looking up at the ceiling. He grinned as he reminded himself he'd be finally getting out of the old moldy streets of London and into an unfamiliar new place. He got up and put his usual attire of black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt and walked downstairs. He was greeted with his his dad holding his suit cases by the front door.
"Do you have everything son?" His dad asked him opening the door. Dan thought about it before running back upstairs.
He came back down with an empty sketch book and pencils, he thought since he was going to be in a new place he might as well start a hobby also to keep him busy on the 7 hour flight.
"I do now." Dan said. His dad nodded and walked to the car with dans bags. Dan turned to his mother who looked like she was about to cry. Tears were pricking at the corner of her eyes and she had a shaky smile.
"I can't believe you'll be gone for a year! It'll be so much quieter without you." She laughed. Dan grinned and rolled his eyes.
"It's not like I talk much anyway." He said hugging her.
"I know I'll just miss you." She sniffed. Dan pulled away and kissed her cheek.
"I'll be fine okay? I'll call you when I can."
She nodded and kissed dans forehead.
"Better hurry, your flight is leaving soon."
Dan nodded and walked out the door and into the car.
"You ready?" His dad asked.
"As I'll ever be." Dan said buckling the seatbelt.
"Alrighty then." his dad said starting the car. Their drive to the airport was calm, music was playing in the back, but Dan wasn't paying attention that. He was too fixed on taking in the scenery he was passing. Yes he passed by this probably a million times already, but the fear of forgetting was taking over him. He didn't want to forget where he came from, but then he did at the same time. He wanted to forget his school, he wanted to forget being alone, he wanted to forget people he trusted the most turning him down, but he didn't want to forget the nights where he'd sneak on the roof and look up at the stars, he didn't want to forget long walks alone with him just looking around appreciating the small things. He was admiring the small town passing as the car drove on, the way people would look like they were being sucked into a vortex behind them, they was trees just looked like green and orange blurry blobs. He was pulled out of his trance when the car stopped and his dad started talking.  "We're here, you ready?" he asked. Dan just nodded and got out of the car grabbing a bag he was bringing with him on the plane. His dad grabbed his bigger suit cases and brought them inside of the airport motioning dan to follow behind. They enerted the airport and there weren't many people here except a couple of buisness people, or famlies who were either going on holiday or just coming back. They walked up to the front desk where an older lady with grey hair styled in a what seemed like too tight of a bun on her head.
"Hello! How may I help you? She greeted them with a smile.                         "Um hes going to be on a flight to florida at 12 pm" his dad spoke up. The lady nodded and typed something into her computer.                                                 "Okay, That flight will be located at gate B" she said. Dans dad nodded and gave her a thank you before walking away, Dan following closely making sure not to get lost, airports were always confusing to him even though hes only been to one once. They arrived at gate B and his dad cleared his throat.                                                                                                                                                                                             "I guess this is my stop, I cant go past this gate." his dad said handing Dan his plane ticket. Dan took the piece of paper and looked at his dad.                                                                                                                               "Thank you for trying to help," Dan said walking up to his dad and hugging him. His dad hugged him back and pulled away.                                                                                                                                                                      "You're welcome, now hurry up and go before your flight leaves" his dad said. Dan laughed because he knew his dad was just saying that so he wouldnt cry. Dan walked through the gate and looked back one last timewaving to his dad before walking off.                                                
  "Okay Dan it's only you for now, until Florida " Dan told himself. He walked up to the line of people who were waiting for the same flight as him. Mostly buisness people with an exception of one family with a kid. He waited patiently until it was his turn to give the lady his ticket, he boarded the plane and  he was greeted by the pilot  "Hello I will be your pilot to day, my name is Tyler and this is my co-pilot Josh" he said pointing to a rather young guy with red hair. Dan shook their hands and walked in the plane to get a good seat. He ended up sitting near the back and next to a window spot. Dan was grateful that nobody decided to sit next to him, probably because nobody wants to sit next to a "routy" teen dressed in all black who looks like he despises the world. "This is your pilot speaking, this flight will be taking off in 1 minute."  dan heard. He sighed and plugged in his earphones closing his eyes.

"Sir? Sir? the flight is about to stop." a lady said. Dan yawned and gave her a faint "thank you" and opened his eyes. He looked out the window to see that it was night already and that the plane was getting closer to the ground. He yawned and stretched out his arms.

As the plane came to a complete stop, Dan put his phone away and got up. He walked to the front of the plane to see Tyler and Josh standing there.

"Thank you for flying with us" they both said as if they were possesed. Dan smiled at them and walked off the plane and into the airport. He walked down the stairs to collect his bags. He turned around to see someone holding a sign with his name on it. He walked over to the guy and smiled.
"Oh! You must be Dan Howell?" He asked. Dan nodded and shook his hand.
"Well I'm Martyn Mr and Mrs Lesters son"  
Dan nodded and grabbed his bags.
"You must be tired, let's go!" He said helping Dan with his bag.
They both walked to the car in silence and drove off.
"So Dan, how is London?" Martyn asked trying not to make the silence uncomfortable.
"Well, not very interesting just cold and wet I guess."  Dan shrugged. Martyn just laughed and drove on  not asking anymore questions. 

"As it is prettty late, im guessing the only people who will actually be awake are my parents." Martyn said pulling into the driveway. Dan looked at the house,  It was just an  ordinary house, many of the other houses around the neighborhood looked exactly the same. Dan then remembered what Martyn said about his mom and dad being the only ones awake, he wondered who else was in the house. 

"So, who else lives with you?" Dan asked while Martyn was unlocking the front door. 

"Just me, my mom, my dad, and my brother Phil" 

Dan nodded and entered the house immediatly being greeted with warmth. He looked around and there wasnt much around, just an overall normal home. 

"Martyn are you two home?" a woman asked as she popped her head out from the corner.She was a smaller lady with thin brown almost red hair and she was in her pajamas. " Oh! you must be Daniel" She said engulfing Dan in a big hug. Dan was shocked at how she could give a complete stranger a hu, but he didnt push her away. She pulled away moments later she called for her husband who dan heard his name was Thomas.  He greeted Dan with a friendly handshake and went off.  It was only about 10 pm over there and apperently everyone was fully awake. 

"Oh! you havent met our other son yet" she said walking up the stairs. Moments later she came down "He'll be out in just a minute" she said, but moments later Dan heard footsteps coming down the stairs and a boy with raven black hair that was styled the same way Dans was, but in the opposite direction and ocean blue blue eyes. He had very big bags under his eyes, he looked like he didnt get much sleep. Dan grinned at him and held out his hand, and introduced himself, 

"Hi my name is Dan." 

Phil smiled and shook Dans hand, "Im Phil" 

"So now that everyone has met, i bet Dan is tired, Phil? since you're going to go upstairs anyway, can you show dan his room?"  his mom asked. Phil just nodded and motioned for Dan to follow him up the stairs. They turned the corner and Phil opened a door to a room. 

"This is it, my room is across from this one right there, if you need anything." Phil said walking away disapearing into his room. Dan stepped into the room and plopped down on the bed. He pulled out his laptop and opened it. He noticed he needed the wifi password, bu just as Dan was about to ask, Phil walked through the door. 

"Here's the wifi code" he said handing Dan a piece of paper with the code on it. 

"Thanks" Dan said. Then phil went back into his room. Dan wasnt that tired so he decided to scrol throough the inernet until he fell asleep. 


Well this update took long enough, 1,000+ words and dan meets phil at the end. Im sorry they didnt meet in an  intersting way lmao. Also this is unedtited soooo im sorry for the many spelling or grammar mistakes. 

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