Stay with me?

339 22 14

Dan woke up not remembering when he fell asleep. He sat up and looked around the room, it wasn't his own. He then remembered where he was. He saw a clock on the table next to the bed.
3:34 am
"Stupid jet lag" Dan cursed. He tried going back to sleep, but couldn't so he went to go grab his phone. He got up and went to his bag searching for his phone. Dan stopped as he heard a noise from coming from the room next door. There were sniffles and heavy breathing. Dan looked confused, he opened the door of his room and listened. It was coming from Phil's room. Dan walked up to the door and hesitated to knock. Moments later confusion took over his brain and he knocked on the door, he heard a faint "come in" and he opened the door.
It was dark, so he couldn't see anything, he looked at the bed, but nobody was there.
"Phil?" Dan called. He heard a sniffle from the corner of the room and saw Phil sitting there. Dan walked over to Phil and sat next to him.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He said putting a hand on Phil's shoulder.
Phil didn't say anything, he just cried even more. Dan took his hand off of Phils shoulder and engulfed him in a hug. Phil turned so that he was facing Dan and cried into his chest. Dan pulled him closer and held him there for a while. Moments later Phil pulled away and wiped his cheeks. Dan looked worried about Phil and Phil noticed it.
"I'm fine, just had a bad dream that's all." Phil said sniffing. Dan nodded and got up.
"But you're sure you're okay now?" Dan asked helping Phil get up. Phil just nodded and sat back down on his bed.
"I'm sorry I made you worry" Phil said looking down. Dan turned around and looked at Phil.
"You didn't worry me, I was just confused. It's not your fault you have nightmares." Dan said reaching for the door knob.
Phil quickly looked up.
"Wait," he said
Dan pulled away and looked at Phil.
"Ca- can you stay here with me? Like you don't have to sleep with me, I mean not that way. I mean -"  Phil stuttered his face turning a candy apple red.
Dan laughed and looked at Phil.
"Sure." He said sitting next to Phil. Phil looked at Dan and smiled.
"No problem" Dan said. Phil leaned against the wall and sighed.
"I'm horrible"
Dan looked at Phil admiring his facial features. The way his lips are formed in a permanent smirk. How his nose was crooked, but it fit his face perfectly. His side profile was just perfect, just looking at him made Dan melt on the inside. His eyes though, his eyes were a foggy grey they looked lifeless, like there was no emotion whatsoever going through them. He looked...... Empty. Dan realized what he was doing and quickly looked away blushing. 
"You're not horrible." Dan said breaking the silence. Phil looked at Dan and grinned.
Dan just nodded and pulled his phone from his pocket.
"Are you tired?" Phil asked. Dan shook his head no.
"Not really, are you?" Dan asked. Phil shook his head.
"Want to watch a movie on my laptop? I downloaded a bunch of them for my plane ride here." Dan offered.
Phil nodded and smiled at Dan.
"Okay, let me go get my laptop." Dan said walking out of the room. He came back shortly with a blanket, 2 chargers and his laptop.
"This is just like a sleepover" Phil laughed.
Dan giggled, "you're right except I'm going to be here for a year."
Phil smiled.
"Oh! We should get snacks?"Phil said getting up not really giving Dan time to answer his question. Dan followed Phil down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"So what do you want?" Phil asked opening the fridge.  He reached in a touched something sticky.
"Jesus what the-" Phil said walking over to the sink, touching the handle it automatically turned on.
"Oh nice sink" Dan said.
"Thanks." Phil said looking back in the fridge.
"There's nothing in here, do you just want some chips and a bunch of other junk?" Phil asked looking at Dan.
"Sure why not?"
They grabbed a bunch of snacks and headed up towards Phils room.
They sat down in the floor with a bunch of blankets and food surrounding them.  Dan grabbed his laptop and opened up tee movies be downloaded.
"Okay, which on-"
"This one!" Phil said interrupting Dan. Dan looked at what Phil was pointing at and saw he picked
'Howells moving castle'
Dan smiled
"That's ironic because my last name is Howell."
Phil looked up.
"Oh that's so cool, way better that mine. It's Lester."
"I like that name though, it suits you well."
Phil blushed.
"Let's just watch the movie."
Dan smiled and clicked play.
Half way into the movie things were still silent with the exception of the movie playing in the background. Dan looked over to Phil and saw that he was still awake and putting his full attention to the screen. Dan grinned as Phil concentrated on the screen. He noticed that Phils eyes were fighting between closing and staying open. He finally closed his eyes and his head lazily dropped. Dan smiled and tried to position Phil in a comfortable position on the floor without waking him up. Soon enough he got him in a position that looked comfortable. Since Dan was getting pretty tired too he spread a blanket on the floor and grabbed a pillow getting on the floor next to Phil. He rest his head and closed his eyes.
Just as he was about to fall asleep he heard shuffling from behind him and he soon felt an arm wrap around his waist and a warmth spread across his back. He tensed at the sudden contact, but then relaxed leaning into Phil.
Dan heard footsteps and muffled voices. He opened his eyes and saw Phils face just centimeters away from his own. Their legs were intertwined and arms wrapped around each other.
"Shhhh you're going to wake them!" Dan heard a voice behind him. Soon he heard a click and saw a flash.
"Oh! The flash!"
Soon Phil started moving and opened his eyes.
"Mom? What are you doing?" He asked not noticing what position he was in at the moment.
She then pointed at Dan who was pretending he was still asleep. Phil looked at him and blushed.
"Mom! It's not like that. Jesus." He said blushing even more.
"Whatever you say" she said walking out the door.
Dan opened his eyes and left phils Grasp.
"You heard all of that didn't you?" Phil asked.
"Every single word" Dan laughed.

Well this took long enough to update. 😂

Exchange   [completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora