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Phil woke up, an empty spot next to him. Dan was nowhere to be seen.
He got up and walked downstairs coming to a stop as he heard voices coming from the kitchen.
"You are a very lovely boy Daniel." Phil heard his mom say "and I think you'll be good for Phil."
Phils cheeks flushed as he listened further.
"O- oh no" Dan giggled "it's not like that, we're just friends."
Phils heart sunk at the words just friends.
"Okay sure, but I do think you two would be lovely together" she said taking a sip of her coffee.
Phil finally thought Dan should be 'tortured' no more and made the rest of his way down the stairs.
"Morning." He walked into the kitchen kissing his mom on the cheek and giving Dan a smile.
"What were you two talking about?" Phil asked casually sitting down next to Dan.
"Oh nothing." Phils mom said winking at Dan.
Dan blushed again looking down at his cup of coffee.
"Oh! I'll have to run some errands around town today. Phil your dad is at work." She said getting up from her chair and grabbing keys.
"I'll see you boys later!" She said walking out of the door and closing it. The only sound is light breathing and a car pulling out of the driveway.
"So." Phil said awkwardly.
"Yep." Dan said taking a sip of his drink slightly burning his tongue in the process.
"Want to go out today?"Phil asked blushing.
Dan looked at the boy next to him and smiled.
"Sure." Dan said putting his now empty cup in the sink.
"No." Phil said his cheeks growing red and his gaze heads to the floor "I mean like," he pauses "on a date?" He mumbles, but it's clear enough for Dan to hear.
Dans cheeks matches the red tint to phils and he stands there.
"You don't have to if you don't want-" Phil was cut off
"I'd love to." He said smiling. Phil shared the smile and got up from the chair.
"Okay," he said excitedly "you don't have to do anything, my treat" Phil said walking out of the room to call and order a reservation.

Dan laughed as he watched Phil walk out of the room. Soon his smile dropping and panic setting over.
A date?! What are you thinking! You're too awkward for this! What if you mess up? What if you say something stupid?! What if you're too awkward so it makes everything else awkward?!
Dans mind was panicking with thoughts. He walked out of the kitchen to see Phil on the phone in the other room.
"Hey, yeah? Mom? Where's that place that dad took you when he proposed?" Phil asked.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
Dans mind raced faster only repeating that word over and over. He ran up the stairs into phils room and sat on his bed waiting for him to come upstairs.
"Hey" Phil said walking into the room.
"Would you mind if we left at around 8?" He asked plopping down next to Dan.
"Sure." Dan said before leaning his head on phils shoulder.
Phil giggled and looked at the boy next to him, his eyes closed and his breaths steady. He could feel Dan getting slowly fall asleep as his body got heavier.
Phil smiled and leaned dans body so he was laying down.
He layed next to him putting an arm around his waist him too falling asleep.


He woke up, Dan facing him, his face leaning into Phils neck.
"Dan." He shook the younger boy "dan wake up, we're going to miss the reservation." Phil said.
Dan opened one eye making Phil laugh.
"What time is it?" His voice croaky and deep.
"About 6:45" Phil spoke getting up. They both yawned and stood up from the bed.
"What do I need to wear?" Dan asked nervously.
"Um nice, but casual." Phil said.
Dan rubbed the back of His neck and looked at the floor.
"I- I don't have anything like that"
"That's okay, you can just borrow some of mine." Phil said getting up and looking into the closet grabbing a nice red and black checkered shirt, with black jeans.
"Oh I only the need the shirt thanks." Dan said handing Phil his pants back. Phil took them and put them back where they belonged.
"Okay, now hurry we might be late, it's a little farther into town." Phil said smiling watching as Dan walked out of the room. He closed his door and immediately the panic caved in.
Fffffffff what were you thinking?! He's going to think you're awkward and boring!!! FFFFFFFFFFFFFF
All these thoughts ran through phils head as he put on a blue button up with tiny little white hearts on them, with black jeans.
Soon later he heard a knock on the door.
"Phil?" Dan asked opening the door. He walked through the door in phils shirt and Phil was speechless.
"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Dan asked "do I not look okay?" He panicked.
"No, you look.... Amazing. It's just seeing you in my clothes and curly hair."
Phil chuckled.
Dan just blushed and looked down.
"You look great too. I never knew you wore glasses."
He said facing the floor his face getting even more red than it was.
"Um, sh- should we go now?" Phil asked even more nervous than before at the thought of him and Dan being alone.... On a date.
"Yeah." Dan said walking out of the room and downstairs grabbing his shoes.
"Wait." Dan stopped "how are we going to get there?"
"I can drive." Phil said grabbing his car keys. Dan just nodded and put his shoes on.
After they were both done, they headed out.
The car ride was calm and comfortable, them both sitting in silence as the radio played in the background.
"We're here." Phil said too soon as he parked.

Shit shit shit
Was all Dan could think about

Date will be in the next chapter 😪👌🏼

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