Date? (pt.2)

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They got out of the car and into the restaurant. It was casually nice, everyone was having a good time laughing and dressed just how Dan and Phil were, men in nice shirts with pants and most girls in dresses.
"Hello! How may I help you?" A short girl in a ponytail and a waiter outfit.
"Uh hello, I had reservations for 'Lester'?" Phil spoke, he's more nervous now than he was earlier.
"Oh yes! Here you are, please follow me ." She said leading them to a door that lead to outside tables.
She sat them down and placed their menus onto the table.
"So, my name is Catherine, but you can call me cat. And I'll be serving you two today, can I get you something to drink?"
"Um just a water please." Dan smiled.
"Same." Phil grinned.
"Okay! I'll be right back." Then she walked away, leaving them both alone.
"Look at the view!" Dan said looking to his right.
The view was amazing. Since the restaurant was right by a river, you can see the water glistening in the distance, the moon reflecting on the water and stars displayed across the sky. The outside area was dimmed, the main source of light coming from the fairy lights hung around.
"This place is really nice." Dan spoke up taking his gaze off the view and onto Phil.
"Yeah, me and my parents used to come here a lot when I was a kid. I've never sat outside though." Phil blushed, he didn't know why he was blushing so much today, it's just Dan made him feel some type of way. It was a few minutes of comfortable silence, until Cat returned with their waters.
"Okay, are you guys ready to order?" She asked pulling out a notepad and a pen.
"Um I'll just get a burger." Dan closed his menu and handed it to her.
"And you?" She asked.
"I'm just going to get pancakes."
She smiled and grabbed phils menu.
"Okay, your food should be out soon." Then once again she walked away.
"Pancakes? Really?" Dan giggled.
"Shut up don't pancake shame me." Phil said taking a sip of his water.
"No shame here." Dan said winking.
"Shut up" Phil blushed even harder thanking the dim lighting, so Dan couldn't see how red his face was.
"Don't tell me what to do." Dan giggled "you're not my dad."
"I can be." Phil winked, laughing in the process.
"Oh my god!" Dan choked on his water.
They started talking about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other's company, before Cat returned with their food.
"Hope you enjoy." She said placing the food down and walking away.
"Oh my god, this actually looks amazing." Dan said grabbing a fry off his plate.
"I know!"
Dan took a bite from his burger and clenched his fist rolled his eyes back and made an inhuman noise.
"What was that?!" Phil laughed.
"What?! The food was good okay?!" Dan said blushing.
"Who's really on the date here? Me and you, or you and that burger." Phil laughed even more.
Dan giggled "Well me and this burger had some moments."
Phil laughed and took a bite from his pancakes.
"Holy. These are amazing."
"Do you need a moment?" Dan asked taking another bite.
"Oh shush. I'm not the one who has foodgasms"
They were basically half way through eating their food, before Phil asked Dan a question.
"Hm? I'm sorry what?" Dan looked.
"Uh... Would, do you want to try some?" Ph asked immediately regretting that question.
Dans face got red and he grinned.
"Um yeah, sure."
Phil cut a piece with his fork and was going to hand Dan the fork, but before he could he already took the bite from Phils utensil.
Phil blushed, liking the fact that Dan was comfortable enough to do that, he looked around seeing some people give them loving looks and he blushed even more.
"Oh my god! Those are great." Dan exclaimed.
"I know right!"
The rest of the night was comfortable and good. They talked about nothing important, just about what they liked and disliked.
"No. Don't diss Kanye! Kaye west is the Kanye best." Dan giggled.
Phil rolled his eyes as he saw Cat come over and handing them the check.
Phil paid for everything, earning complaints from Dan about not paying for anything.
Once Phil got his card back, they headed back home.
The car ride was silent the whole time, but it was nice.
They pulled into the driveway, Phil unlocking the door them both immediately climbing up the stairs and into their bedrooms.
"Thanks Phil." Dan said before closing his door.
"This was the most fun I've ever had."

YOU SEE WHAT I DID THERE!!!?!??!?!??? Okay anyway hoped you liked it 😊

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